Journal #4921

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-06 17:33:13 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Well thought I'd try the new journals D:

What's up in Habboi world? Well still at uni doing games design. It's kinda a mix though between story writing and media with the odd game making every now and then. At the moment we have to write a games design document for CW1 and then make a 2D game for CW2 using Director MX 2004. I hate programming : <

Erm you probs already know but I'm working on a single player mod and just taking my time on it. Second level is almost done architecture and lighting wise. I need to work on scripts sometime and sound ambience. Apart from that I have an essay to do...


Commented 16 years ago2008-03-06 17:48:45 UTC Comment #44196
hate programming? blasphemy! besides, Director MX (whatever it is) is hardly programming.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-06 18:15:23 UTC Comment #44195
It's more like Java script really. I mean for example we're doing basics but so far I made a Samus sprite run in both directions with A / D :

global sam

on startmovie
sam=3 -- Sams sprite number is 3

on exitFrame

on keydown
case (_key.key) of
"a":move ("left")
"d": move ("right")
"w": move ("up")
end case

on move dir

if dir = "left" then
sprite (sam).loch=sprite(sam).loch - 10
sprite (sam).fliph = false
end if

if dir = "right" then
end if

if dir = "up" then
sprite(sam).locv=sprite(sam).locv -10
end if

if dir = "down" then
sprite(sam).locv = sprite (sam).locv +10
end if

if mem_no > 8 then
mem_no = mem_no -1
sprite (sam).member=mem_no
if mem_no = 12 then
  sound (1).play(member("step2"))
end if
end if


Commented 16 years ago2008-03-06 18:22:48 UTC Comment #44197
really not necessary, but yeah, looks more like scripting.

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