Journal #5047

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-04 01:40:06 UTC
Luke LukeLuke
Just a repost-

After playing gold rush for more than several hours, I have a very mini review:

+ Loooove the idea. It's like point capping except it's a lot hard to reset the point. This brings up the idea of needing a GREAT defense, which is always fun to do.
+ Like the idea of having separate corridors to bi-pass choke points. Leads to some very interesting game play when the defending team forgets about the ways around and they all get slaughtered.
+ Has a lot of places for offensive sentries, which is always a cool idea.
+ The ending is down right epic.

Time for the downfalls:
  • The mapping comes off to me as very amateur. It looks good, but the layout is very confusing, almost as if a bad mapper made it.
  • On top of strange lay outs and odd looks, the map has a bunch of little things you can get caught on. There's nothing more frustrating then getting stuck on something sticking out of the wall while getting shot at, and end up dying.
  • Very tight. Many tight spaces tends to get annoying.
Another note:
  • New medic achievements are kind of stupid, but whatever. I wish they were for fun, and not needed to unlock the new weapons.
  • The new weapons have very little use for me. I love playing medic, so it's not a bias, but they just seem useless for the most part. The only real exception is the Critzkrieg. Love that gun.

On another note, I saw Iron Man last night. Was a pretty good movie, wasn't disappointed with 10 dollars spent (the first time I've EVER paid for a movie with my own cash.) Funny here and there, a lot of action, and was interesting, in a Transformers kind of way.

Didn't catch what happens after the credits, but whatever.


Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 02:01:37 UTC Comment #39743
"Didn't catch what happens after the credits, but whatever."

I did, you weren't missing too much. I can spoil it if you wish. :P

But yeah, it wasn't a bad movie at all, definately a lot like Transformers, fun and over-the-top.

Gold Rush isn't bad, fun gameplay idea, but how I wish it didn't look exactly like Dustbowl. :(
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 07:42:56 UTC Comment #39746
I agree on all points.
The tight spaces are a bit annoying when playing as a spy, which is pretty much the only class I play, but once you figgure out how to get past them there are some seriously good spy enviroments.
Goldrush ftw.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 10:34:26 UTC Comment #39747
I love goldrush, it's perfect for snipers and spies =)

PS My friends watched Iron Man and they say is full shit
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 13:21:13 UTC Comment #39745
Just saw a video of it, Strider. It's kind dumb how movie companies make sequels / plan sequels before they even know if it's gonna be a good movie or not.

Maybe I don't have as much respect for Sam Jackson / the sequel because I'm not a big comic book guy / have no idea who Nick Fury is.

Something I forgot to add onto the review:

~ (not good or bad) After a few play throughs, you can really get used to the lay out, so that really isn't an issue anymore.
~ Ive only gotten to the end of the map about 3 or 4 times out of about 20 that I've played. Not sure what that means, if it's good or bad, but I'm kinda sick of the first 2 points.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 22:37:37 UTC Comment #39744
"Maybe I don't have as much respect for Sam Jackson / the sequel because I'm not a big comic book guy / have no idea who Nick Fury is."

As far as I know SHIELD is a company spanning the Marvel universe that manages it's superhero's or somesuch, Nick Fury is the leader. I don't particularly like how they brought it into the flick myself.

I'm beginning to hate Samuel Jackson. He's in EVERYTHING these days but I can't think of one notable role he should be proud of.

Nearly every game of Goldrush i've played has been stuck at the first two points too, I think Valve are going to need to balance that area a bit better.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 03:57:16 UTC Comment #39748
It happens on dustbowl too, I think it's ok

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