Journal #5070

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-17 18:01:06 UTC
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Talking to Myself: Part.1 of God only knows how many...

I don't expect anyone to read this and even those who do will find the content somewhat lacking in entertainment value. I really have nothing of any interest to talk about.

I am sitting at my desk on a forum I used to visit at least once a day and now only find time for twice a week or so. So why the HELL would I keep a record of my thoughts here? I have no idea. Maybe its just a way for me to vent my various frustrations and other feelings to an audience that might...just as fucked up as I am. Jesus, I sound like a little emo bitch.

Yet here I sit, the last few hours of my week long holiday slipping away, typing every thought that comes into my head, the backspace key still present but unused. Why type out something only to dwell on it before backtracking and sugar coating it for the benefit of the audience, so as not to offend? These are MY thoughts. Why should I allow my own portrayal of cencorship to gag my own opinion? Why should YOU?

I guess what I'm trying to say is do not be afraid to speak your mind, maybe others will speak theirs in return. Don't hide being a facade of numbers or ratings or 1337 sp33k because nobody will take you seriously.

I'm aware that this kind of nonsensical rambling holds no place in an internet forum designated to creative design and production which is exactly the reason I posted it in my journal. I am also painfully aware that this journal entry will have a comment section, which will most likely be filled with flaming and dismissive statements. But if you felt at least a spark of realisation in reading this then stand out from the masses and say something.


Commented 16 years ago2008-05-17 19:01:41 UTC Comment #42487
I find your entry interesting, and well worth reading.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-17 19:40:22 UTC Comment #42486
EXACTLY. I never sugar coat what I say, I just say exactly what I think. Because of that, I get nailed for it because I'm an admin. So mostly I just say nothing.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-17 21:10:23 UTC Comment #42485
I always find presentation is key so I often re-read what I write in order to make sure there are no spelling mistakes and the comment doesn't offend.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-18 00:49:13 UTC Comment #42484
"which will most likely be filled with flaming and dismissive statements"

Not sure why you feel this way at all.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I never see people flamed for posting their opinions. Maybe if it's not backed by anything, but other than that.
Commented 15 years ago2009-03-03 08:59:17 UTC Comment #42488
I agree with Urby. Just be yourself.

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