Journal #5170

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-01 23:55:11 UTC
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
okok, I deleted my last journal entry cuz the whole thing was stupid. I talked to the guy again today and I told him I felt sorry for the whole thing and that I had drawn him a picture.

Case closed.

(For Spike)
The original problem was some guy was stalking my online art gallery. I recently did a picture for someone I felt sorry for, so this guy who has been buzzing around my page caught me on MSN messenger and blandly chatted for the afternoon. After a while, he started complaining about how great his internet life is compared to how terrible his real life is and how little money he has. I didn't really care at first, but he got a little on my nerves after typine depressing crap for 20 minutes. so I told him to buck up and do something about it. He was incredibly defensive immediately to convince me there is no hope in his life and that the whole world is as terrible as he says it is. So I told him some more advice to learn to control things in his life and not let it get out of control and stay optimistic about things and he flipped out on me saying I can't simply change a person with some magical words. I didn't get heated until this, cuz I was trying to be nice taking time away from my own things and he's trying to rip my head off. So we argued for an hour about our viewpoints and generally it was Optimism vs. Pessimism. Eventually he couldn't craft solid sentances. So I said he's weak and can't handle life and we're done. I quit chat and blocked him on MSN. He came to me on Skype and called me weak for running and irregardlessly wish me well like a cocktard. Its the internet, its either you duck out or sit and argue for hours. So I send him a message saying "Don't worry, its the internet, say whatever you want and have a great internet life." If you remember Orpheus, so this was really short compared to that. The guy is a pussy to be in university with a roommate and a job with bills, and sit there and complain about how bad it is to a complete stranger. At least I was nice at first about it. But overall, I think he wanted a pity trip (characteristic to some emoes i guess) to get free art from me. Given its rare I do anything for free, and most of the time I do commissions.

Thats the scenario in a nutshell, written with a clearer head. I'm already beginning to forget about it. His reaction to the drawing was rather predictable too. "GO FUCK YOURSELF!"


Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 00:06:34 UTC Comment #40688
I want to read the journal :(
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 00:10:33 UTC Comment #40687
thats the best. its made of win AND fail. =D
only rimrook could accomplish. good job. told that fucker!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 02:20:18 UTC Comment #40683
That's just weird. The emo guy, I mean.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 02:45:27 UTC Comment #40684
heh, they always want attention from the wrong people. emoes...
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 03:10:30 UTC Comment #40682
I prefer doing just freelance stuff on order, the sun is the only thing that is free. It probably also avoids annoying people coming to knock at your door.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 08:09:03 UTC Comment #40689
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 11:47:33 UTC Comment #40685
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 19:12:41 UTC Comment #40686
lol, emos. they need a slap in the face and a push out the door that's all.

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