Journal #5286

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-20 19:30:03 UTC
Luke LukeLuke
Okay, funny story for you guys.

Me and my couple of friends, both are girls, like to hang out every now and then. It usually ends up with us sitting in the house / car being boring, but this time was different.

We decided to go down to Detroit's river front area.

Going down Jefferson Avenue we took a wrong turn (by the way I'm not driving), but it wasn't just any wrong turn, you see.

This turn happened to be where the tunnel to Canada is.

So we pull off to the side of the road in a "Authorized Only Parking Space". My friend driving gets out of the car and waves to a border officer as to what to do because we wanted to turn around. He tells us to back out and pull through, or so we thought, the search area for people coming into the United States. So he stops traffic for us and lets us go through to the search area.

Little did we know, we were about to be searched. An officer takes the car keys from my friend who's driving, and he asks for all of our (3 of us) identifications and we have to step out of the vehicle.

When I went to reach for my back pocket to get my license, the officer seems to freak out and tells me to "calm it down" or something like that, but I get my wallet anyhow.

So we're now standing outside of the car in the search area of the border passing to Canada. They start asking us questions, like what we were doing in Detroit and where we were going. So we explain.

Everything seems fine so far. However, when it comes to the driver, it turns out she forgot her license and any other form of identification. They inform us that it's illegal to drive without a license, like we didn't know that.

They make us go sit inside the detainee area where they keep you as they search your car.

At this point, 2 or 3 officer are going through the car, top to bottom. I'm watching them out the window as they pop the trunk and hood of her silver Mustang. They took covers off the engine and took out every little thing inside the car and put it on the roof.

Standard procedure so far, I was expecting all of this as soon as I knew the driver forgot her license.

So we're sitting in the detainee area for about an hour and a half total. During this time, a half-dozen Iranians came through on passport / ID troubles. Kinda funny.

Anyways, they also contacted the driver's Mom, who had to come there, with her license, and take us home.

Luckily they let my friend drive home. Otherwise it would cost $8,000 to get the car out of the impound.

Her mom drops us off and you can tell she is highly pissed still.


I was detained by Customs and Border Protection, had my ID taken, and sat next to a half-dozen Iranians for an hour and a half.

Thanks for reading.


Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 19:35:04 UTC Comment #39851
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 19:38:02 UTC Comment #39857

That sucks, but is funny at the same time
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 19:50:32 UTC Comment #39852
I would have thought it could happen anywhere had it not been for the officer telling you to calm it when you reached for your back pocket.

For clarity, that is the only reason for my next comment:

America :']
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 20:20:51 UTC Comment #39854
did you die?
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 20:22:24 UTC Comment #39848
Yes. I clearly died.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-20 20:25:13 UTC Comment #39847
This is like the time I got told off for taking photo's in a supermarket as the security guard feared I could be a pedo.. only it's nothing like that at all! >__>
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-21 02:09:19 UTC Comment #39850
I was expecting Bel Air.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-21 02:19:15 UTC Comment #39855
so how did you make it out of there after you died? and when did you perform the arcane ritual of raising the dead? you know, the one that requires the cat intestine and the toaster? you probably could have stolen one of those iranian guys' left ear and used that as a checkpoint while you pickled the dolphin tail.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-21 07:17:53 UTC Comment #39856
Like Trapt, I was expecting Bel Air. But I can't believe nobody's commented on how both of Luke's friends are girls.

Commented 16 years ago2008-08-21 12:57:05 UTC Comment #39849
Yah, about that.

I go to a 99% black school, living outside of Detroit and all.
It's kinda hard to find people who like the same music you do / like the things you do.

I knew the driver from middle school and we used to date. In high school we started talking again on Facebook (lawl) and we started hanging out again. Then she introduced me to the other girl in the car and we happened to be really cool with each other and listened to the same bands.

I would probably start going out with just the other girl if I had a car, but otherwise it'd be kinda hard to have a relationship. She lives in Detroit.

EDIT: Also nothing wrong with friends with benefits, amirite?
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-21 13:30:24 UTC Comment #39853
Damn straight

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