Journal #5359

Posted 16 years ago2008-09-14 21:48:39 UTC
After a few weeks of playing Quake Wars on and off I finally have my own stats page!! Rather unimpressive at the moment but i'm working on it:


Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 02:32:44 UTC Comment #53249
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 09:45:06 UTC Comment #53253
Skals: Everybody seems to be against you... :|
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 11:07:24 UTC Comment #53250
"Skals: Everybody Only noobs like me seem to be against you... :)"
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 14:54:15 UTC Comment #53246
Are there unlocks and achivements in ETQW? :o

Oh and on other note Skals suck balls
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 14:55:51 UTC Comment #53251
Is Enemy Territory fun?
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 14:57:41 UTC Comment #53247
WELL Im just saying the game is quite shit and it should at least have some good features because else I don't really see a reason for people to buy it when there are awesome games like COD4, R6V2 and TF2.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-15 14:59:05 UTC Comment #53252
haha, trapped.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-17 01:18:50 UTC Comment #53248
It's good cause it 'feels' good. You know, the whole stop the invading alien race. And there are upgrades and ranks to achieve and medal. And Skals, i've only played for a total of 9 hours so far, give me a break. lol

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