Journal #5384

Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 02:49:52 UTC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Hey fellas. I'm at a party right now. I just wanna let you know; because i'm extremely inebriated right now, that you guys, especially zeeba, rimrook, hlhotdog and strider, in particular, have been so much of an inspiration to me.
That's all.
/End drunken slur


Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 02:52:53 UTC Comment #48757

Nice job man, party it up!
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 03:07:26 UTC Comment #48752
aww :(
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 03:14:53 UTC Comment #48756
lol whats the party for?
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 03:25:27 UTC Comment #48758
Its a party.

Does it really matter what its for?

Btw Tetsu0, you actually type pretty well for being extremely inebriated.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 06:56:56 UTC Comment #48750
the only people who type poorly while drunk are generally putting it on.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 09:47:56 UTC Comment #48753
whereas shtrideh anywaish?!1
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 10:20:16 UTC Comment #48760
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 12:47:42 UTC Comment #48749
Who goes to TWHL during a party?

Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 15:20:06 UTC Comment #48755
Haha, you're at a party and you logged onto TWHL to make a journal post about it. That's pathetic. Almost as bad as getting on IRC when you're drunk.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 17:02:57 UTC Comment #48759
Alcohol affects the judgement.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-28 17:21:51 UTC Comment #48761
Commented 15 years ago2008-09-29 10:13:35 UTC Comment #48754
lawl, I hearsz ya Daubie - drunkeh IRC strideh is liek zeh lulz.
Commented 15 years ago2008-09-29 12:13:15 UTC Comment #48751
Took me like 10 minutes to type that.
and i forgot that i posted until now.

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