Journal #5841

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-04 19:39:27 UTC
Today i installed windows 7, this time instead of a vm, i used a partition so i could actually use it for something.

I just so happened to notice the wsr and gave it a shot, after a frustrating 30 minutes of trying to get it to do something, i decided to write a little something in notepad.

This time did you write once upon a time there's a very CCREPPIE speech recognition software called windows speech recognition you does not work.

If you attempt to open up at what is it will not work it will say what was that? And therefore he lost the opening itself for it does not know how to open notepad it does not know how to do anything!

If you do offer attempt to do something like to call with it you wind up doing it yourself you cannot simply tell it to do something and it will do it it will once again ask what was that?

And it also eases up a set of a large amount of your res Computer Resources see better have at least 30,000 pages of at.

This concludes my bomb went above a stupid program that was made in Windows Vista and windows seven thank you for reading a line by line is we've made in windows speech recognition software.

What i was trying to say at the end was it was made in speech recognition software itself, but that screwed up.

Anyways, i hope you got a laugh at this, this time i'll see if i can make it correctly :>

EDIT: Second attempt, failed damn horribly.

Once upon a time that there's a very stupid program but not to which one is to even make the toll to two.

It's a very stupid program on national and it's a.

Had to say is a monster but program I've ever come across.

Tara even though it sometimes gets things write it never gets some of

I can see why this program is made of people can just type

It in an EM Keenan union of the Ethel to see why this program is made for people can just season OPS

In fact you cannot even watch program without a keyboard or mouse

But fail to see the point of this new tests are but that's not the point

Bill to see the point of this tiny little microphone button and I'm listening and the status bar floor speech recognition

At one day it one day this program will be made to a vacant and people will think they like it

But right now people for a very neat and ease of a day that program that

Maybe someday we'll have two when told will not do when not to let

Thank you for listening to my rant about this race race to beat solely program that is made a bad people they're very bad guy comes with a spare and windows seven.


Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 02:22:35 UTC Comment #61436
Yodalman, are you sure its not your awesome spelling and speech pattern that screwed up the thing?

edit: vs49688, is that it?
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 04:54:31 UTC Comment #61433
Say it!!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 05:33:34 UTC Comment #61431
I think Skals and vs49688 are on to something.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 06:15:59 UTC Comment #61430
OK, nothing makes sense here. Use normal text formatting maybe, so we could understand what the hell are you on about.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 06:33:59 UTC Comment #61438
Agreed SpaG.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 07:02:29 UTC Comment #61432
i mean really, what CANT you understand out of the sentence:
"i decided to write a little something in notepad"

you guys are just dumb.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 07:10:10 UTC Comment #61429
no. It actually started hurting my head trying to read that journal. Made it half way through before giving up.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 10:40:58 UTC Comment #61437
vs49688, were you thinking about something more like " learn to spell you freaking dutch bastard or gtfo!" ?
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 10:55:04 UTC Comment #61439
Obviously, English is not his native language. Hey =NH= Yodalman, did you use Google's translation page? If you did, then that's where the problem is.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 14:04:24 UTC Comment #61440
What the fuck do you guys want me to tell wsr? To use proper spelling?

It's not my fault it fucked up.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 16:32:26 UTC Comment #61428
It's your fault that you tried posting a journal entry with it.

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