Journal #5969

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 12:56:17 UTC
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
The human resources person at my school threw an interesting curve at me today. I went to talk to her about getting hired at the school in the technology department. They seem to be hiring and the position isn't yet filled. When I went to talk to her, she told me she already put my application in for me. I thanked her but now I'm worried I won't get the job because it's not updated, but I don't know if she had put in a good word for me.

Well, here's to hope. Cheers.


Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 13:14:15 UTC Comment #41057
Hold on a second, I thought you already had a job as an art director for some other company. Did you loose your art director position, or are you just looking to get a 2nd job?
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 13:58:09 UTC Comment #41053

And good luck mate.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 14:20:43 UTC Comment #41054
Yeah. Good luck!
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 15:44:22 UTC Comment #41058
You had better get that job...
Or there will be consequences.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 16:06:36 UTC Comment #41052
I was the senior art director, I did $15,000 worth of work. The two higher ups made some retarded decisions and this elite group broke up and was absorbed into other companies.

Don't get me wrong, I let my boss know what could have done differently. He made the most newbie mistake there is. He didn't have it in writing. (yes that's right)So we lost our office in Tampa. We tried to sue, but got counter-sued and boned huge for it. Another newbie mistake was that he signed my papers, but was lazy and give me paperwork for me to sign.

So what happened to the $15,000 work I did for him? Reformat.

That's what you get for being a moron. But I Still need a job to make ends meet. I thought I wrote a journal about this already but I didn't.

If I had made some serious cash, I'm sure I'd write a journal about that too. I learned a shit-ton (imagine a ton of shit... yeah you sick fuck) of valuable experience and knowledge from the guy. He was born into wealthy business so he didn't understand some of the basics. I learned that the industry is BORING! That's why people get so good at one thing because that is all they do. Imagine my texturing skills in 10 years. Either way I wouldn't mind being bored and being paid. I can always do stuff in my spare time.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 17:09:38 UTC Comment #41055
Yeah you think that rimrook... you think that...
I'm pulling my hair our spending 8 hours behind a desk..
of course i'm not exactly doing anything interesting.
BUT THAT SUCKS man. Sorry to hear that.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 17:39:53 UTC Comment #41059
Seemed like such a good job too...
And a lot of money.
Sorry, man.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 19:11:30 UTC Comment #41056
Reformat, huh? Sounds to me like you pwned them good.

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