Journal #6573

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-23 05:32:17 UTC
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
So, my SexBox Three-Shitsty is bricked. Surprise surprise. It's down to the E74 error which is apparently related to the console overheating. This in turn is down to the thing lacking a heat sink, simply containing a low power fan and poor ventilation. Well done Microsoft.

I've learned that since this started popping up more regularly MS have extended the warranty from 1 year to 3 years. That's really great considering after my 1 year was up I slung the box and documents required to send the damn thing to get fixed.

Fortunately though, there are plenty of fixes online and I have tried a few of them to no avail. However, I think I've got the best possible solution right here.

Check it out. :)

Chalk up another shoddy product Microsoft. Not surprising that I don't know a single person who has paid for one of your operating systems. :|


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 06:35:05 UTC Comment #42863
That solution is grand. If you get one pm me your PSN.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 07:20:01 UTC Comment #42866
If we could just get a company that threatens Microsoft's virtual monopoly, maybe they'd get their asses moving and release something that works.
Either that or find someone as good at and dedicated to their job as Gabe was when he worked there. I swear, they're too damn lazy for their own good. Not that it stops the money from rolling in...
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 09:27:17 UTC Comment #42861
Had my xbox for 3 years now, never had an error like that or the red ring of doom. Performance is still good. I guess it's just up to how hard you hit it when you fail at a game.

As for the PS3, My friend had that for a year and it munched almost all his cds and blew up.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 10:00:38 UTC Comment #42865
Interesting Skals. I've never had any trouble with my PS3, although my Xbox red ringed once.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 11:49:33 UTC Comment #42853
I've got several friends with Xbox's that had died. The worst I've heard of the PS3 is that the games are a little pricey and there aren't many people online. Fuck, at least PSN is free.

Another -20 points to Microsoft for charging for LIVE and for charging ?50 for a wireless adapter which seems to operate of its own accord if its sunny and you're wearing a blue shirt and there aren't too many dishes in the sink of the neighbors house or what the fuck.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 11:55:09 UTC Comment #42857
I had a RROD twice, and I didn't need ANY papers to get it fixed. You just need to have it registered online with the serial number linked to your account.

Regardless, in the mean time, I bought the $200 arcade edition, moved all my stuff, and sold the refurbished 360 on ebay for enough money to make up for what I spent. No problems with this Jasper chipset.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 18:24:12 UTC Comment #42864
Your new avatar makes me want to taste some candy.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-24 18:26:58 UTC Comment #42860
Enjoy the wide selection of high quality games the PS3 ha-... no, wait a second.

Commented 14 years ago2010-05-25 03:59:25 UTC Comment #42854
Meh, I barely used the Xbox either. However I'll be taking advantage the PSN and getting some of the old classics like the Oddworld and Final Fantasy 7.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-25 16:04:23 UTC Comment #42858
Recently for BOTH consoles, is Red Dead Redemption, from Rockstar. Mix Fallout/Oblivion, Fable series, GTA series, and it's own extras, and you have RDR. It's amazing...
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-25 17:52:24 UTC Comment #42855
Yeah, RDR is definitely on my list. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy for whichever platform happens to be working when I can afford it. :P
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-26 03:48:52 UTC Comment #42862
I dunno if i should get that.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-26 05:21:21 UTC Comment #42851
If you do get a PS3, get the Uncharted games. Don't make the mistake Ant made and play the second one first, heh.

If you don't like them, I lose all faith in humanity. >:|
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-26 07:08:09 UTC Comment #42856
Yeah, I've heard good things. Apart from Yahtzee's review that is.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-26 07:35:22 UTC Comment #42852
Yahtzee's a giant douche, though.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-26 14:40:31 UTC Comment #42859
So far, I'm loving RDR. What I love most about is... length. Games these days are way too short, most I beat in short sessions within one to two days. I'm currently on day 4, probably going into another 1-2.

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