Journal #6583

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-30 07:09:55 UTC
It's been days since my father left the safety of Vault 101. Days since I left the vault to find him. Before, I had never laid a hand on anyone, except Butch and his gang. But now people are dropping like flies around me. I've had Radiation sickness, explored a raider filled store, and defused a nuclear bomb. But where is my father? Where is James?

Yeah, so JeffMOD has Fallout 3. It's good so far- I actually managed to get the GoTY version, so I have all the DLC content on a second disk. Can't wait to actually get deep into the game.
My only complaint is that my character doesn't really look like me. I was never good at creating my own face from memory... And it doesn't help that the game doesn't have my hairstyle.

Anyway, I'm happy. I have a game I've wanted for about a year now. Finally got off my arse, did some research, and went out and bought it.


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-30 09:36:54 UTC Comment #60606
Welcome. Welcome to Vault 101. It's safer here.

Seriously, Fallout 3 is probably my favourite game of all time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-30 11:48:12 UTC Comment #60609
Yeah, my only complaint with the mechanics are that
1) You can't quick travel while indoors
2) You can't quick travel while enemies are in the cell, even if you haven't engaged them
3) You can't buy food from the Megaton store, which is the only one I've found so far.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-30 12:05:34 UTC Comment #60608
I love Fallout 3! Although I didn't spend much time with character creation, not that I've ever seen my characters face after the start of the game.
And go down to the crater in Megaton, north of it if I remember correctly (to the left of the path as you come into the town anyway), there is a bar that tends to sell a few food items out the front.
[Edit] The Brass Lantern, in this image -
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-30 17:33:57 UTC Comment #60607
Took you long enough. Great game. And honestly, I'm really excited about Fallout: New Vegas this fall. Read the article in Game Informer... oh lawdy, it looks good. Very good...

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