Is a bit of privacy too much asking? I'm a member in a forum dedicated to the university I'm in. It's really helpful, I've learned what to do and what not to do, what courses to take, which ones are good, where should I look up information, etc. To make it short, pretty much everything a forum is intended to do.
But then someone asked to meet me. Being the only dumbass without a facebook account or rather, any kind of online identity everyone was curious. After they insisted so fucking much, I gave in and agreed.
They took a photo of me. I specifically asked not to have my photo taken or even uploaded. They still uploaded it to facebook. Now people recognise me around the halls. And there's no way I can request our mutual friend Suckerberg to remove my bloody photo.
Fuck the world, I can't trust anyone.
That's not even a joke, I'm genuinely sorry.
Now it's just filled with BS. Glad I don't use it, hope I never get my picture/haven't gotten my picture on it.
"I'll undoubtedly end up a hermit and I'm ok with it." Yeah, pretty much. Screw people my age. Most of them are complete idiots.
Yeah, live your life away from the idiots of this generation, then live on to the next generation [Adults] and THEN begin the large mount of your socializing life. Hmm, maybe not, but considering the average IQ of this generation I think it would probably make some form of sense.
@Captain: If only the tag was of any use. They already know everybody else, so by elimination that can only be me.
Lesson learned. Never again do this. I'd much prefer to show up at a TWHL meeting, you guys would probably respect my wish not to have my photo taken or at least uploaded into the wild of the internet.