So for the last month I was traveling all over the United States for some reason or another, and have finally just got back. Obviously I wasn't able to play any videogames so that was a downer.
Wait, why do we need those 'other users in this thread' thingy? I was kinda used to the cleaner format from before. Well anyway that totally ruined me because until then I had been closely following planetphillip's 100 days of HL1 mods. I traded a month's worth of Video Game Time for about 12 new facebook friends. What a bargain. I feel like Dimbark after his camping trip whatever it was. Well now that I'm back it's time to forget about real life friends and hang with you guys who prolly don't give a Dam (inside joke, you know, since I visited Hoover Dam.) Ok, well that was lame. End of journal then.