If only money wasn't the problem, we could probably happily travel across the world to have a TWHL meeting. I've literally changed about 6 means of transport( not as in "diversity") to get home. I started this morning by travelling across the Cyprus island with 2 bus routes, taking the airplane, bus from airport to city(though only half an hour) and now on the train. And I still have to change yet another train.
Total time left till home if I wouldn't stop in the city wherr I change trains to sleep at sombody: 14 hours.
I feel a weird inner peace now that I managed to travel so much time alone.
I read half of the first volume of "Mermoz" on the road.
TWHL-con 20??
And yeah, traveling a lot gives you that strange feeling. What happens to me is that I start to feel that I've left all my life behind.