Posted 3 years ago2021-11-10 13:03:50 UTC
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
I created right around the time when my son was born in 2007. I took the site down due to lack of activities, but I still have fond memories of running the site. I don't have any regrets having ventured into community building.


Commented 3 years ago2021-11-20 22:41:08 UTC Comment #103844
In now know people from highschool/college who have kids.
It's almost weird to play games (well, I don't actually do that very often either... but form time to time maybe I'll give CS:GO another try) with them because the following situation arises in my mind:
"If I had kids, wouldn't I feel guilty playing games? Would I have time?"

I can't answer yet that question :)). But what I know, observing them, is that after you get married your personal free time is significantly cut, and "free time activities" are all of a sudden a family project :). So when somebody with kids plays a multiplayer game with you, it's probably a special occasion.
Commented 3 years ago2021-12-12 13:09:46 UTC Comment #103869
I played with my son for a while, until he got so good that it was pure humiliation when I play against him.

Now I watch him play. He's enjoying Red Dead Redemption II now.

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