16 hour compile time? Created 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:37:15 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Created 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:37:15 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:37:15 UTC Post #157950
I made a map that has quite a bit of detail. I used some prefabs from the internet (light post, road, and table) I used quite a bit of them. My map has been compiling for about 16 hours now. It gets to Leaf thread 90%, then stops and is loading. Should I simplify my map, or let it compile?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:40:53 UTC Post #157951
16 hours? Post in your compiling log!

P.S: You don't have to compile again, it's in your rmf directory called like your map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:45:33 UTC Post #157952
The prefabs are probably creating nasty portal leafs, and VIS might be getting stuck. You should stop the compile. HL maps dont take that long unless there's a problem. Post some images of the layout or the complicated parts of the map so we can help you further.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:47:06 UTC Post #157953
I just had a power outage, and my computer shut down while in the middle of compiling! Should I compile again? What do mean by in rmf directory? Should I load the rmf file and contiue compiling? If this helps, her is my maps information:
Solids: 1072
Faces: 6583
Point Entities: 35
Solid entities: 73
Unique textures: 169
Texture memory: 6232620 (6.09 megs)
 6 custom texture wads
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:48:36 UTC Post #157954
Post some images of the layout or the complicated parts of the map so we can help you further.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:53:16 UTC Post #157955
RMF directory= where the rmf are.(rmfs are the maps that you build in hammer)

Please post the log, and don't relay on prefabs, most prefab makers are idiot that don't know a thing about mapping. Some prefabs sometimes have invaild solids too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 18:54:54 UTC Post #157956
The road prefab I used had alot of carves done to it. I used the prefab about 6 times, plus lights that had many brushes in it. Could that be it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:02:26 UTC Post #157957
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:02:43 UTC Post #157958
Just post the log.


Small screeni! Why did you resize it?

There is an edit button next to your name if it's the last post.


I just noticed you used a skybox.(a huge hollowed box placed around your map) Never do that. Bulid the walls and the cillings only where you can see them.(not below the floor or behind walls) That might be one reason for the long compiling time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:10:31 UTC Post #157959
Wont I get a leak error if not enclosed in a box?
I cannot post the compile log because my computer shut down. It takes hours to compile, so posting the bit that is viewable probably wont help. I think Im going to just get rid of the prefabs, and do it myself.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:11:40 UTC Post #157960
I don't think thats the problem, the skybox is the problem.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:12:04 UTC Post #157961
Just one question. How many times have you compiled this map before?
The screenshot is small, but enough to see that the map belongs to the type of maps you should not do with the HL engine.
One big open space, multiple brushes.
This map would need hint brushes, or at least move the top sky brush until it touches the tallest building...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:14:29 UTC Post #157962
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:16:48 UTC Post #157963
Ive compiled it about 20 times. Its my de_household map in the map vault. :) I went back to fix my noobish mistakes, and add more. I compiled it so much because I like to jump in to make sure it looks right, no errors, etc. Are hint brushes brushes you can only see from an angle? (Like buildings, roads, tunnels?)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:18:38 UTC Post #157964
No, read the tutorial.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:22:52 UTC Post #157965
Thanks :) Ill get right on making those hint brushes! :D :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:27:16 UTC Post #157966
Be carefull with hint brushes, wrong use of them will rize the R_speeds. I don't know how to use them in a detailed room, and the tutorial doesn't really tell me how so for now I ask for help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:43:57 UTC Post #157967
You dont use hint brushes for detailed rooms, you use them to decide what can be seen and what cant be seen from a certain leaf in the map. Once you are in that leaf, the engine renders everything in it and the ones right next to it.
Imagine we have 3 rooms. From room1 you can see room2, and you dont see room3 (but the engine does)
A hint brush would make the engine see only room2 from room1, and room3 only visible from room2.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 19:50:20 UTC Post #157968
Yes I know, but if the walls and floors are a bit more complicated then a block, what should I do?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 20:13:27 UTC Post #157969
Texture them with a higher scale. Wpolys are not a measurement of brushes. A wpoly is 32x32 texels. If you change the scale of a texture from 1.00 to 2.00, the number of texels is 4 times less.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 03:52:33 UTC Post #162040
I have principle for compile. Wait more 1 hours, just exit form worldcraft. Normal 20 or 45 menute. Delete another room and try to complile again ( remeber make your map backup first). Usualy a big large room and have conection to another room give loot vis problem. Make your map out door and build like box more easy vis to compile. DAMN VIS AAAHHH ( Take shotgun and shot your computer hehehehe :P )
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 08:34:00 UTC Post #162061
Ok.... I always make a "Big Huge" map... And by experience, NEVER make a map like that... :zonked:

It's easy to control a map with little rooms, but outdoors areas is more complicated...
HINT Brushes don't work so good in open space...
HINTs need corners to use as reference and VIS Blocks...
If you HINT a outdoor area, you'll need to rise your HINT Brush up to the sky, but, making this, the HINT loose the walls... :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 10:25:28 UTC Post #162068
wpoly's are 240x240 texels, you probably mean luxels, Kasp. ;)
But then again, a polygon is cut at 15x15 luxels as far as I know...

As for your question, Elon, in such cases your rooms are divided into more than just one leaf. A cubic room would often end up as a leaf, as would a straight corridor. If you'd put a simple pillar in the room, it would split that room into 4 leafs, and for each of these leafs the compiler checks what other leafs can be seen (by tracing lines to them, done during the VIS process). The game looks up in the resulting table what leafs are visible from your current position, and then draws their content.

Too bad we can't see our leafs in HL, but you can to some extend predict how they will go, and influence this process with hint brushes (that force a leaf split). Anyway, more complex situations still follow the same rules, it may be more difficult for us to predict the leaf process though.
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