It took me a long time to finish uit because I stopped working on it in the middle and worked on the last Hl1 compo entery. I returned to it recently and it's coming out quite well. There is a screeni in my profile of a nice part in the map.
I made a nice passage, then I showed it to rowleybob, he told me the rusty door in the end doesn't fit with the corridor. I agreed with him, so I asked rimrook to edit that texture and remove the rust. The texture is nice but it doesn't fit the corridor too, but I don't know why!

The original version
With Rimrook's texture
Maybe it needs a lighter color, maybe greener... maybe a color like the those metal trims with bolts.

P.S: This is a very important door and I can't procced with out placing it in all the places it needs to be in.