Posted 19 years ago2006-02-21 12:35:40 UTCPost #164268
Hey, I was just wondering if it was possible to make a brush-based missile launch by the press of a button and explode when it hits something. Help appreciated.
-also, it would be pretty pointless if they didn't shoot straight
if there is no way, how do i get a tankrocket to fire?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-21 12:53:04 UTCPost #164275
I had a very simple missile setup in my map dm_punishment. It was a big func_rotating entity, and it sort of did the trick. I dont know if you could use the same technique.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-21 13:02:27 UTCPost #164276
hmm. i doubt it. clever set up, though.
hmm, i'll put it another way.
how do i make a tube fire a missile in a straight line, in one direction when a button is pressed? i dont want any control or anything.. just for a missile to fire forwards when a button is pressed.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-22 13:41:49 UTCPost #164507
Hunter hasn't fully explained it...
Basically he wants a cannon which he has made to shoot out objects except the objects (physics props) respawn inside...Now he has the cannon, he has the explosion to push objects out, he just needs to figure out how to spawn items inside the cannon without having to pick it up and place inside.
Also this cannon is attached to his boat so it moves...Any ideas?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-23 15:22:12 UTCPost #164670
Is there any prop that you could use as a missile? The weird HL2 mines come to mind but I doubt you could use them in a prop_physics_respawnable... The idea would be to have one of those entities parented to the cannon or boat that would take damage (and launch) with the cannon explosion and the damage from the fall would finally break it and explode...
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 16:23:22 UTCPost #165016
Have you considered making a tube with a respawning explosive barrle in it, when you press a button a very fast piston moves foward and projects it, the impact on the target should detonate it.