We dont really hold power over anyone else.oh yeah, thats totally true...

america always tries to help everyone..by killing people...
Created 18 years ago2006-04-08 11:58:23 UTC by
We dont really hold power over anyone else.oh yeah, thats totally true...
america always tries to help everyone..by killing people...
The Tsunami in Europe. We were there.Oh, yeah, the people of Italy really appreciated your help there.
You sure you're not conflicting europe with, say... South east asia? I can see how, they're pretty similar.Shit, thats what lost me 3 marks in my geography exam
We are spreading democracyGo Hamas!
Quote:Ok, i want you to name who were holding power over.
We dont really hold power over anyone else.
oh yeah, thats totally true... rolls eyes -
america always tries to help everyone
..by killing people...
The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.vs.
Well, they looked shady and foreign => immediate death penalty
I like how the people of Britan are actually involved in their government.Hmp, it's not that great. We have tons of lazy ignorant passive lefty morons too. National ID database... don't get me started.
Oh yeah, and civilians grin -Bah, they got in the way!
But they're the same, they wear turbans. Lousy muslims.
your making America look stupid again.Darnit, just when i was starting to change my mind
Well, they looked shady and foreign => immediate death penaltyisnt that the labour home secretarys' current 'left-leaning' policy?
So much better than the fuckin idiots here who talk in ebonics!What's an ebonic? :S
isnt that the labour home secretarys' current 'left-leaning' policy?Hoorah for New Labour, the party of the people GOD I HATE YOU I WOULD RATHER HAVE THE TORIES.
I think we should pick up on the fact that half of america believes that they are going to live forever with a giant man in the sky if they kill all the gaysAhahaha, that made me laugh, along with;
Haha, yeah, all those great Yanks: Otto von Guericke, Michael Faraday, Nikola Tesla.;D
OMG and the southern idiots with the vocabulary and pronounciation of a 4 year old!The east end
HAD SEX WITH BOYSSo does catholic priests, that doesn't make them all bad.
someone say something contravercial!
WOw gunter dont think I wont flame you because your American. They dont over-generalize. THere is no "they" Its people living somewhere else. OMG THATS OBSURD!Dude, calm down. I was kidding.
Coming to conclusions from forum boards is fuckin retarted! YOU CANT JUDGE COUNTRIES BY OTHERS ON FORUMS! Nothing anyone said was that bad here. Its good to hear opinions from around the world. (no matter what they are) GOD you seem like one of those Americans who are ignorant and foolish. zonked -aghast -
furious -
the finger -
THere is no "they" Its people living somewhere else.Yes, you have to fight them over there so you dont have to fight them over here
YOU CANT JUDGE COUNTRIES BY OTHERS ON FORUMS!Thats why I said you shouldve judge americans despite what you might say