The voice of TWHL Created 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:10:34 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:10:34 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:10:34 UTC Post #198797
Post a sound clip of your voice, saying liek "Hello" or wutever. Yeah, we've had one of these threads before, but 'tis old so I'm making a new one!! Not quite sure what a good upload place is, but I'm sure you'll find something free.

If possible, please LAME-encode it. Wavs are so.. 80s. Also, post it with the Google Mp3 Player. Just type the audio url into this link;

Mine <- raaar.
Oh yeah, say it in english and your mother tongue.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:22:53 UTC Post #198799
Will do when my sounds sorted out. Bloody PC.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:36:09 UTC Post #198801
heres mine.
I dont know how or what LAME-encoding is and im afraid mines a wav. :

woops just noticed that i said the W in the german part in english :
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:46:25 UTC Post #198805
Yours doesnt work, arcan.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 12:47:14 UTC Post #198806
It does if you remove the google part.

LAME = mp3.

Edit; Evidently you can use Putfile. Just right click the WMP window when you've uploaded it and press properties. <- Arcans.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 15:47:18 UTC Post #198819
I may do this when I get a better mic. Mine doesn't accuratly capture my voice. I'm 20 but my mic makes me sound like I'm 12.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 15:49:29 UTC Post #198820
Don't lie, you just sound 12 all the time.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 17:47:28 UTC Post #198830
Dude, why didn't you just bump up the old one?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 18:23:48 UTC Post #198832

Because I'm too lazy to record a greeting for TWHl right now, you're just going to have to deal with a few recordings from a voice-soundpack I'm making for CS.
(PS: This isn't an advertisement, seriously. I literally am just too lazy to record a "hello I'm Worldcraft Dude" message)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 19:11:00 UTC Post #198835
Wow worldcraft do you use those sounds in cs? and nice quality
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 20:00:02 UTC Post #198839
lol nice worldcraft. you sound like a deranged cs:s scientist bent on dust2 domination :D

funny stuff tho
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-07 20:36:39 UTC Post #198840
i can't speak, my throat is fucking sore. fixed myself a mic just yesterday.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 05:55:14 UTC Post #198915
Sasha: Didn't you read my first post? :(
Bumping is boring.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 06:56:09 UTC Post #198918
'Course I read it, but... never mind.

I'll record some later.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 09:42:54 UTC Post #198926
Somehow I've always imagined Alex voice to be similar to that nerdy guy from The Simpsons.. You know the guy whose voice always breaks :D

Sorry Alex!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 10:53:45 UTC Post #198931
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 11:04:36 UTC Post #198934
Argh I would but I just got a nice new sound card and the basterd doesn't have a microphone plugin on it? I wonder if I can run the soundboard and motherboard audio drivers at the same time... hrm...
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 11:07:34 UTC Post #198936
Argh I would but I just got a nice new sound card and the basterd doesn't have a microphone plugin on it
Doesn't sound that great to me.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 11:19:10 UTC Post #198938
Argh I would but I just got a nice new sound card and the basterd doesn't have a microphone plugin on it
Dude, that can't be a "nice new sound card".

Sajo: Lame.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 11:47:51 UTC Post #198940
C'mon, be original, people. :P

Hearing your own voice is so weird. :/
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 11:51:48 UTC Post #198941
Muzzle! That's genious! Lol. Good job.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 12:04:48 UTC Post #198944
Muzz's ftw. i shall do mine soon.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 12:14:45 UTC Post #198947
My mic's been b0rked for a pretty long time now..
I should really get a new one..
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:01:21 UTC Post #198948
Lol, muzzleflash, dat iz sum serios voice acting. "WHAT IS THAT".
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:05:27 UTC Post #198949

Voice is definitely not my thing. :/
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:21:10 UTC Post #198953
SoundBlaster X-Fi
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:24:59 UTC Post #198956
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:26:58 UTC Post #198958
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:27:56 UTC Post #198959
Wow habboi. Microsoft Sam? That's... lovely... and are you sure the internet doesn't have enough porn?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 14:37:44 UTC Post #198963

yar har diddley dee. if you love to sail the sea. you. are. a. pirate. Hah!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 15:33:08 UTC Post #198968
wdf was that last part hunter?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 16:46:15 UTC Post #198981
Muzzle's FTW! That was awesome!
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 17:08:07 UTC Post #198982
Oh please! That was horrible voice acting...
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 17:13:36 UTC Post #198983
No it wasn't, it was friggin' hilarious!
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 23:52:10 UTC Post #199041
stop fishing
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 02:05:25 UTC Post #199043
After hearing CS vs Pikachu and HL vs Starcraft about a billion times things like that just annoy me :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 02:12:57 UTC Post #199045

in wav format and from the last thread we did, cos my microphone is broked.

And yes, you all suck.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 06:51:56 UTC Post #199062
My turn! :o And now you'll all hear how you SAY Tosse ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 07:54:13 UTC Post #199070
M3u? Mp3 or wav plsktnx.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 08:01:04 UTC Post #199071
You stream it :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 08:54:46 UTC Post #199079
No more fucking streams, that was an awful idea, Tosse. Mp3, fuck sake, they're like 100 KB big and free to encode.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 10:45:41 UTC Post #199084
Lol, what's wrong with streaming it? The difference is hardly noticeable!

"here boy have an icecream!"
"-NO i don't want it, you bought it from the wrong store!"
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 11:13:34 UTC Post #199090
wdf was that last part hunter?
we're sonic fuck'n death monkey
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:16:08 UTC Post #199096
Oh god, was that really you Tosse? I had always imagined that you would sound like a little kid
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:28:46 UTC Post #199098
Haha, now that's me allright :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:33:31 UTC Post #199099
Streams replace your current playlist and are a fucking bother to use. Just use putfile if you're too cheap for webspace.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:39:54 UTC Post #199102
You know that you don't have to click the fucking link and listen, right?
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 16:30:23 UTC Post #199114
I agree, it's not worth moaning about.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-09 17:36:55 UTC Post #199117


also, Muzzleflash, good job.. you win. That was good
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-10 09:36:33 UTC Post #199151
Lol undbreakable, we should form a team, sence both of us wants to kill them all :P
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