Yeah, that's a spireon from Poison Garden, only smaller and retrofitted. I know Poison Garden wasn't marked as a Gyradell map, but it was. The name would've been too long.
This is a screenshot after 6 weeks of work... its not very pretty but its (slowly) coming to life. Probably have several weeks of work left, and not having max at home is crutching me right now.

I do what i can each night with this, and the rest of the time is spent on developing 6D.
As it developes, more infor will be released.
I decided to untertake this project when I realised that the Gyradell has had its 3rd year anniversary. Its also the most favorite and populous of themes, as well it has its own mod compliments of The Hunter.
Don't worry, all of the source files will be included in the zip.
...and i'll post the layout sketch, i just don't have it with me atm.