As with most of my mods I will be doing most of the voice acting myself but in the case of KinetiX I need a voice actor for the role of Joe who is a mechanic based in East Neonite City. He will act as a barney character, offering the player support and granting access to certain areas that would otherwise be inaccessable. There are no models concerning this character as of yet. (Tell a lie there is one simply called 'Joe_remains.mdl' which leaves little to the imagination that this character will meet a grizzly end during the first episode.)
Character development is not as imperitive as it would be in HL2 because there is no emotion capture ability but it would be good if this could be taken seriously and if you really use emotion when you speak.
Audition lines are as follows:-
player has just climbed out of a surface hatch into Joe's workshop. Joe is shocked and a little confused about recent events in the city. This speech will play as the model beckons the character over to a doorway.
"Holy crap! You scared the hell out of me! Get in here quick."
After Joe has delivered a series of sentances concerning the current situation Joe leads the player to a gun he has created himself to take down armoured enemies. He is somewhat proud of this invention. The script here will be comprised of 2 seperate recordings.
wav1. "Oh, before you go, take a look at this."
wav2. "This is what I've been working on these last few days. It uses standard 357 ammo but I've added a little something to the chamber and trigger mechanism. You might want to try it out first. Oh and...cover your ears." (optional chuckle)
Any audition wavs can be PMed to myself, posted here or e-mailed to
Alternatively you could add me to MSN and wait for me to turn up.