general Questions Created 17 years ago2006-12-24 08:57:55 UTC by doc doc

Created 17 years ago2006-12-24 08:57:55 UTC by doc doc

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 08:57:55 UTC Post #207378
Hey m8's, i'm new to this site. I've been mapping for some time now, but have a few questions concerning HL 1's hammer :)

A) How do i choose the rotation angle of the rotating doors? I didn't quite get the last part in the tutorial, could you tell me more detailed?

B) How do i create that spawning effect that occur when xen aliens appear from the other dimention in HL ?

C) How do i create electricity, like beams and stuff?

D) How do i create hazardous enviroment conditions like electricity, fire, acid and gas?

E) How do i make rotating buttons? (that rotates in stead of disappearing.. annoying stuff)

F) How do i play an monster animation that results in the monster falling down an edge? Won't work, the monster just stops before falling.

G) How do i remove the players weapons for the next level?

H) And how do i create a 'custom' game with my own menues?

Thanks in advance :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 09:14:44 UTC Post #207380
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 09:15:49 UTC Post #207381
D) make a brush textured in AAATRIGGER, tie to trigger_hurt, and set damage type to your pick.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 10:12:22 UTC Post #207397
A. It is in fact trial and error until you get it right. Use the Reverse Dir(ection), One Way, X axis, Y axis flags of the func_door_rotating until you got it right.

B. Browse my maps and you'll find an example map on that subject.

C. Use the env_beam entity for that. Take a look at the HL Entity Guide to see how to set it all up.

D. Its done with a trigger_hurt entity. Create a bruch with the AAATRIGGER texture and turn into a trigger_hurt. Again, check out the HL Entity Guide for its workings.

E. Uh... not really sure about that one, check for tutorials and the HL Entity Guide.

F. -

G. Entity Weapon Strip.

H. Read our tutorials.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 11:21:15 UTC Post #207401
E. Use a func_rot_button.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 11:33:39 UTC Post #207402
E) How do i make rotating buttons? (that rotates in stead of disappearing.. annoying stuff)
If you want to stop buttons from disappearing (?), just go into flags and check "don't move".
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 12:22:34 UTC Post #207404
Nice questions :glad:
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