Launching and removing entities Created 17 years ago2007-01-13 14:35:35 UTC by GeodeLX GeodeLX

Created 17 years ago2007-01-13 14:35:35 UTC by GeodeLX GeodeLX

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 14:35:35 UTC Post #209515
I'm working on a new CSS map, and as part of it I'd like to have certain func_physbox_multiplayer entities get spawned, travel, and get removed. En route, the player has the option of destroying the entities.

Here's what I have:
A logic_timer ("launch_timer") fires every 5 seconds.
An env_entity_maker ("launcher") takes input from the timer and spawns a template ("asteroid template")
A point_template ("asteroid template") has a func_physbox_multiplayer object ("asteroid") as Template 1
The func_physbox_multiplayer object ("asteroid") has a Strength of 1, enabling it to be destroyed when the player shoots it.

Everything seems to work fine. Every five seconds, an asteroid is spawned and travels (falls) to a point in the map. Unfortunately, if I don't shoot them they end up piling up.

My question: How do I force one of these asteroids to automatically go away on its own after a time? How do I kill each individual asteroid 10 seconds after it was launched without killing every asteroid on the map?

Thanks for any help you can provide!
-- GeodeLX
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 15:06:04 UTC Post #209517
Check func_physbox_multiplayer's flags, and check if "don't take physical damage" is checked (I'm not even sure if that flag excists, but usualy physical entities has it.

If you want to destroy every asteroid after exactly 10 seconds you could probably you a logic_timer and just kill it.

An other way to do it is that you could parant (or just put it in the place where the asteroids lands) an env_explosion and some smoke to the asteroid wich is activated after 10 seconds, the explosion would surley destroy the asteroid, and the smoke would make it look sexy
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
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