Sound problems? Created 17 years ago2007-01-25 20:44:47 UTC by TasteOfBlood TasteOfBlood

Created 17 years ago2007-01-25 20:44:47 UTC by TasteOfBlood TasteOfBlood

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-25 20:44:47 UTC Post #210568
I want to add sound to my fire and generator. I did so using the ambient_generic enitie. Is this correct? If not what should i use. I want to sound to be on all the time, but through out the map, just when u start to get close you hear it. Thanx for your help.
PS i read the tutorial, i must be missing something :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-26 07:56:51 UTC Post #210607
Ambient_Generic is the right entity to use yes.

If it is the same as the HL1 system and you are asking what I think you are then check the flag labelled 'small radius' or 'medium radius' or 'large radius' or 'play everywhere' depending on your preference. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-26 18:22:10 UTC Post #210663
HL1 ambient_generics and Source ambient_generics are similar, although Source will allow you to manually control the maximum hearable distance by either setting the value in the entity's properties, or by pulling at the circle you see in the 2-D view around the entity.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-26 19:00:47 UTC Post #210669
thx for your help, i found my problem. Dumbass me had the checkbox checkd for NOT loop. lol Thats what happens when u stay up for 2 days str8 :nuts: :nuts: lol once again thx for your help.
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