
Working on a Map conversion into TF2 and the entities are driving me crazy - because it's new and I'm also new to mapping in source but have done 1.6 stuff, etc.

Here's some stuff that may help you out:

Resupply Cabinet Prop- you can find this under dynamic_props -gameplay - useable objects -
Making it Work -
1. Place it into your map - give it a name
2. In front of the cabinet make an Entity Box - Func_Regenerate make it as tall as the cabinet x a little bit wider x 2-3 times thicker than the cabinet in front of the cabinet - ok just make sure that the box can hold a player - then use the name above as the associated object.

When you compile it cabinet will work fine.

I've got some other stuff too but am at work and can't remember from here for some of the other stuff.