I will first tell you about my map. The map is a russian city that is in winter. There is a hotel with eight rooms in it. There is a Police Department that I personly think has a nice design to it. There are three apartments, around 14 rooms in total. There is a bank, with a 1337 tower inside of it. The place also has a labor camp, a factory, and a bar. The labor camp is more of a open prison. It is when there is no more room in the PD cells. The factory is for more jobs, and more of a fell for the city.
Now for my request. I am sure that most of you are not that good at making textures... but I will ask this anyways. I am requesting that if anyone can make me a snow texture that must be named scrollsnow. Or if someone has a texture called that already, and it is completed, then please send me the texture. This is the texture I need most!
Again, thank you for reading this and Happy Mapping!

Love, PoopSex!!!!