Hey Dudes (Dudets?),
Fresh meat here!
Anyway threads name is pretty self-explanatory I guess.
But in case you missed it... Is it possible to make a turn-based iso mod with Source (think Fallout 1 and 2).
I'm trying to get the 3rd person cam sorted but the wiki article is based on HL2 code (i think) and i'm having trouble getting it to work in HL2 ep2.
Prolly will try with hl2 vanilla and see if i manage to get it to work there.
BTW if anyone knows of a good place with ep2 version of the 3rd person / isometric cam code tut please let me know.
Anyway before i sign-off just wanted to correct myself, before i get flamed for no good reason :), i know "anything is possible" but my question really is, is it possible to pull the whole thing off with a three man team under 6 months kinda thing. We got decent coding background with win apps and other rubbish no game dev exp tho (obviously).
So as i said just wanted to know if it is doable without shooting ones self and if you got some good resource links i would greatly appreciate it.