Active Gaming Created 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:32:56 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:32:56 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:32:56 UTC Post #271265
Finally, scientists have proven that certain types of games can be part of an active lifestyle.
PEDIATRICS Vol. 124 No. 2 August 2009, pp. 534-540

OBJECTIVE: To compare energy expenditure rates in children playing the physically active video games, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and Nintendo's Wii Sports in relation to treadmill walking.

METHODS: Energy expenditure, heart rate, step rate, and perceived exertion were measured in 14 boys and 9 girls (ages 10?13 years; BMI at 3?98th percentile for age and gender) while watching television at rest, playing DDR at 2 skill levels, playing Wii bowling and boxing, and walking at 2.6, 4.2, and 5.7 km/h. Arterial elasticity was measured at rest and immediately after gaming.

RESULTS: Compared with watching television, energy expenditure while gaming or walking increased 2- to 3-fold. Similarly, high rates of energy expenditure, heart rate, and perceived exertion were elicited from playing Wii boxing, DDR level 2, or walking at 5.7 km/h. This occurred despite variations in step rate among activities, reflecting greater use of upper body during Wii play (lowest step rate) than during walking (highest step rate) or DDR play. Wii bowling and beginner level DDR elicited a 2-fold increase in energy expenditure compared to television watching. Large-artery elasticity declined immediately after both DDR and Wii. The change was inversely related to the increment in energy expenditure above rest achieved during the activity.

CONCLUSIONS: Energy expenditure during active video game play is comparable to moderate-intensity walking. Thus, for children who spend considerable time playing electronic screen games for entertainment, physically active games seem to be a safe, fun, and valuable means of promoting energy expenditure.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:55:58 UTC Post #271267
If this is released to the public, a lot of kids will be no-life. They' live only in a virtual world, not wanting to go outside anymore.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 13:05:12 UTC Post #271268
I played DDR every day (standard / expert mode) for my entire Sr. year of highschool. I lost 20 pounds that year, but gained nerd status- worth it.

Lol Jk

A friend of mine had it at his house. We'd get the buss at my place, walk to his house, and play all night til his rents got home.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 13:38:57 UTC Post #271274
I saw a thing a while ago about a huge chick that lost 500 pounds off DDR and then became hot, heh.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 13:39:41 UTC Post #271275
I won't belive that til i see a link. :P
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 14:05:33 UTC Post #271279
The article has been released to the public already.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
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