Hi like you allready read I have working submodels.
For example a Blackop Zombie and Constructer Zombie etc. all inside the original zombie.mdl The animations are working fine and the textures fit where they belong.
But now how do I use those models ingame? I tried it with a Cycler with monster Generic and with monster_furniture but nothing works.
They are just standing there or freezing - they don't have any A.I.
Do I have to modify the game FGD in order to get my skins fully working. Please don't tell me that I have to do that. Because I have absolutely no experience in that sector.
Does anyone know what to do thx.
Nevermind it wasn't that hard to figure out. Monsters are now ingame with a modified game FGD.
There remains only 1 problem now.
I have the civ scientist with my original scientists. That means I have 2 different bodys and 4 different heads. How do I write that in the FGD? Does anyone knows?
Greetings 23-down