This was the code give in the tutorial (which didn't work)
class CCleanSuitScientist : public CScientistI tried it myself for twenty years (an exaggeration) and true enough, it doesn't work. The cleansuit still heals you. So I came to the conclusion that the tutorial is wrong.
void Spawn(void);
void Precache(void);
BOOL CanHeal(void);
BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal(void)
return FALSE;
After centuries of searching for HL coding tuts, most of which are defunct planethalflife sites that no longer exist, my exhaustive 300-year trek led me back to TWHL, where there was a time machine that I never knew existed. I stepped in reluctantly.
Visions of past occurrences flashed before my eyes, and in one quick epiphany, I saw the answer laid out to me in plain fashion with extra emphasis.
class CCleanSuitScientist : public CScientistAnd virtual BOOL CanHeal(void);
void Spawn(void);
void Precache(void);
virtual BOOL CanHeal(void);
BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal(void)
return FALSE;
is to be placed into the parent CScientist class def as well.
Anyway this thread is just a bait to get someone to help me with the other problems I have. Also if anyone wants to share with me their coded monsters I would greatly appreciate, and your name will be left in the source code as comments.