Problems with changelevel Created 14 years ago2011-02-18 22:33:53 UTC by Rory Rory

Created 14 years ago2011-02-18 22:33:53 UTC by Rory Rory

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-18 22:33:53 UTC Post #290521
Map 1: reddelta01
Map 2: reddelta02

Trigger changelevel has no name, and when you walk into it, it has:
New Map: reddelta02
Landmark name: rd02a

Map 2's landmark has the name "rd02a"

Problem is, when the level changes, it freezes at "LOADING" and then I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL.

Any ideas?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-18 22:51:48 UTC Post #290522
It has been solved.

I didn't know each level needed a land mark with the same name. Landmarks were rd01a and rd02a.

This confuses me on how to do multiple changing maps.. Does this mean that if

rd01>rd02>rd03, then the landmark connecting 01 and 02 must be named the same, and rd02 and rd03 need to be the same? Or does 1 2 AND 3 all have to be the same?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-18 23:17:08 UTC Post #290523
rd01>rd02>rd03, then the landmark connecting 01 and 02 must be named the same, and rd02 and rd03 need to be the same?
That's right.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-19 00:26:16 UTC Post #290524
Thanks Atom
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