Gearbox Community Day and Duke Nukem For Created 13 years ago2011-06-12 18:51:19 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Created 13 years ago2011-06-12 18:51:19 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Posted 13 years ago2011-06-12 18:51:19 UTC Post #295510
So yesterday was a lot of fun, Gearbox hosted their 1st ever community day, and it was open to all.

They showed us some never before seen live game play of 2 of their upcomming titles. Aliens: Colonial Marienes and Brothers in Arms: Furious 4.

Since these were never before seen gameplay footages, I couldn't record anything for it, but I will give you my take on it.

Aliens: Colonial Marienes - Custom built engine with a high priority for rendering multiple (and they stressed MANY) dynamic lights. Currently it is exclusive for this game, and no comments on use for future games, but it looked dam sexy. It will use dx11 and all its sexy features.

The gameplay itself was nothing like any of the other Aliens games I've seen before. The story is based on the events that happened after the end of the 3rd Aliens movie. It is 4 player coop, confirmed to have split-screen, LAN and online capibilities. A dynamic AI system allowing the aliens to move on just about all surfaces, walls and ceilings included, and their leaps are based on their physics engine. From what they showed us, it will be right on par for the next gen gaming we all expect out of the new hardware some of us have. Co-op play will also have the ability to let people join and leave the host's campaign at any time.

The weapon choices (I saw) looked like the same old stuff we have seen in the past, but they hinted at the use of auto-sentry guns aswell.

Overall I would say this looks like it could be a very good game visually, and for those of you who like a story driven game (even if you dont like the movie Aliens), would enjoy. They also said this is the largest budget they have had on a game thus far, so I am expecting something that would give you more than the standard 4-8 hours of gameplay.

Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 - Now, for anyone who is a fan of the BIA series, you WILL want to read this. For anyone who was disguested with what they saw from E3 concerning this, you WILL want to read this.

The cinematic director for BIA came out and made it a point to let us all know that he is 'as or more passionate about this game' than anyone out there. He also made it a point to let everyone know that things at E3 were miscommunicated reguarding what this game is.

BIA: Furious 4 is not a replacement to the main BIA story line, in fact it has nothing to do with the BIA seriers other than it is a WW2 based game. The way the president of Gearbox put it, is BIA is now a brand, just like Tom Clancy games are. Splinter Cell and Rainbox Six are 2 completely different games, not to mention H.A.W.X. They are branching the BIA name out. Now I can say the 1st time I saw this, I told the developers what I thought about it... I am a BIA fan to the max.

The main BIA storyline WILL continue, the next chapter is gonna be the most important chapter, and based on their feedback, and the feedback from the community, it will be amazing. It is already underway, and has been for some time now (from what I took from the panel). This part was very cryptic in their comments.

Now, if you can get past that fact, then you are in for a really fun game.

Built on the Unreal 3 engine, it is an illegitamate baby from Borderlands and Left 4 Dead. It has a cell shaded style to it, with what we have all come to expect from an UE3 title in terms of a visually complete title.

Game play for this is a LOT of fun. It is another Co-op title for Gearbox, with nothing offical on a multiplayer side, yet there were hints of it from the developers panel. 4 players, all with unquie characters and skill trees. If you liked Borderlands you are gonna love this. I thought it already looked fun as hell, and they he busted out a chainsaw...

This will NOT get an E rating people. For a cell shaded game, the violence is very realistic. Bear traps, flame throwers, an '8 shot rapid fire rocket launcher', and some boss with a gatling gun sticking out of what looked like an oversized Zelda sheild.

Overall, I think Gearbox has a lot of work ahead of them to win over the BIA fanboys, but the game itself should be a hit. The gaming community is a lot bigger than the BIA community, so politics (and by that I mean money) will win.

The event itself was a lot of fun, they had a huge room full of all of Nvidias latest toys, complete with 3 screen 3D demos set up for Duke Nukem Forever, and Borderlands. Then there was a huge after party (Offical Duke Nukem Launch party), and it was bangin. There were so many naughty women there...

No cameras allowed in the After Party, but I'm sure some will sneak out. Heres what I got off my cell phone for you guys:

Custom Built rig liquid cooled :
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Real life Mutant Midget Psycho
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After Party signs:
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Posted 13 years ago2011-06-13 02:09:24 UTC Post #295514
Gotta love those abs.
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