Finalizing my map. Created 12 years ago2012-05-25 12:20:52 UTC by camplo camplo

Created 12 years ago2012-05-25 12:20:52 UTC by camplo camplo

Posted 12 years ago2012-05-25 12:20:52 UTC Post #306484
So I'm trying to get this map ready for the server right. Going through adjusting room sizes, tunnel sizes. Trying to carefully decide where this teleport should lead in order to balance out gameplay and be functional. Stuff you check for in a zombie map etc etc etc I am almost ready to start hint brushing. When I checked my wireframe I was glad to see that you could see almost the whole map from anywhere in the map....which makes no sense especially with my node set to 64, theres no way its literally making 64 unit sized vis leafs because if it were then vis would be way tighter but on the flip side when I implement the the hint brushes cutting off the other half of the map, I'm going to lose about 50% of my w_poly which is only at like 1000 at its highest, from a corner of the map. I remember reading somewhere that I am supposed to select all my entities and then hide them, then save to map, then compile. what? AS well my lighting works when I load my map into a newgame within cs 1.6 but on hlds I seen some glitches. But even within cs 1.6 if I switch to a map with say a yellow sun lighting, and then back to one of my maps the lighting gets f'd. So my question to the forum is

1. If my node size is 64 what exactly does that mean. I thought it meant 64 unit cubed blocks of vis leaves. Theres no way in hell thats what I have going on here.

2.Why am I supposed to hide all my entities before saving to map again? I think its a vhlt thing.

3. Whats the deal with the lighting variables I described above.

Thanks in advance for helping.
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-26 06:44:45 UTC Post #306498
2.You don't have to. It did't make any errors to me. And I don't know what's the point in this...
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