I've returned to trying to learn how to edit and compile Half-Life's SDK, and it's the same situation as last time. I have no idea what I'm doing and can't seem to find any helpful information online.
I have the latest version of HL SDK as well "Github code" which was provided to me by a user here. I also have installed Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. 2010 does not seem to want to work, and 2006 will not run, so 2008 is the only one that works, but does not compile the SDK without hundreds of errors.
At this point I simply have no clue where to go to find more info about this stuff. So I'm here again to ask for help. To anyone who knows what they're doing and is able to compile the SDK, what do I need and how do I do it? Can I be walked through this process? Otherwise I'll probably give up, because this is becoming quite frustrating.