Minecraft Server Created 8 years ago2016-03-15 15:05:25 UTC by Striker Striker

Created 8 years ago2016-03-15 15:05:25 UTC by Striker Striker

Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 15:15:19 UTC Post #329370
Server address: (I have no idea if this is fixed or not, it could change. If yes, I kindly ask an admin to give me the rights of editing this first post every now and then)

  • Location: Strasbourg(France)(Hosthavoc servers): I got about 45ms ping, I also pinged one of their servers from USA and got about 100ms, so this will be playable( I'm sorry for Australians though... maybe someday we'll have servers literally in the clouds and combined with fast satellite links the ping will go down)
  • Memory: 1GB. This should be enough for 10-15 players. There was a cheaper option with 512mb, but I'm playing it safe even though we won't play so much on the server
The monthly cost is 5$ for these specs but I paid using litecoins. Since I'm not going to continuously pay myself for this server, I've set up a litecoin address and a bitcoin address where you can send the coins if you wish to support the server. Here's a link to a text file containing both the addresses:

Litecoin and Bitcoin addresses

This is much easier than using paypal and other services. For this particular matter I ask that you also write a "description" for your transaction if the wallet/service allows you, saying something like "for twhl server from #name# xoxoxo much love", and also announce me through a PM or here on the forum. Please do not send more than necessary, the idea is to support the server and if 3-4 guys donate like a $1 or something, it should be enough. I will not be chasing people trying to send them back the money, this is purely for supporting the server.
The next payment will be on 15th April, I think. I haven't done this before, so bear with me( I also do not guarantee I'm going to be 24/24 solving a problem if one arises, I have a very busy schedule and will mostly only be able to play in weekends).
There are some additional features that I haven't bought because we don't know how involved people will be yet. For example, at +$2.5 we can get a custom DNS, and +4.15$ a dedicated IP. So that would be a total of $11.65 monthly. So if you guys are willing to share the wallet load, yeah we can do this.

Right now the server is pretty much vanilla survival( I actually like it), but there's a crap load of bukkit plugins that can be installed. Not going to stay and configure it this day, but the first thing I'm looking for is adding teleportation somehow.

Since this is a server dedicated to our community, do you guys think we need anti-grief? I mean, I think there's a bit of trust here :).

Anyway, I'm expecting some fellow shouters' here like Tetsu0, DiscoStu and Angry Carrot(a.k.a Mighty Atom a.k.a MuzzleFlash). And a dozen other players I remember playing in the past :D.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 15:17:35 UTC Post #329371
I'm in! I currently don't invest in lite or bit coin, but i can definitely paypal you some money. Unless it's easy to purchase either of those Idk.

We don't need anti-grief. But you might want to create a whitelist to keep the server limited to friendly TWHLers / friends
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 15:23:08 UTC Post #329372
I use CoinBasefor my online account. I think it's the "go-to" service for such a thing and it's based in San Francisco, so for you in particular I think wire-transfers work. Yes that's a referral link, but it only works if you ever buy more than 100$, so what the heck. Here's the clean link: CoinBase.
Yeah you can with paypal too, but this is, I think, if not simpler, how sharing the costs on the internet should work :crowbar:. ( although I do have to use other services to trade from bitcoin to litecoin or viceversa if I don't have enough of one coin to pay).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 16:31:56 UTC Post #329373
I might pop in!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 17:10:22 UTC Post #329374

May I suggest a server resourcepack with custom paintings and perhaps some Half-Life sound effects? You can then use redstone and command blocks to set up a welcome message as well as play a sound effect. I know, there's probably some server plugin that does the exact same thing, but doing it this way doesn't require any plugins, it's just pure redstone. However, to set up the command blocks, you'll need operator status.

Here's the painting texture that we used on my TWHL Minecraft Server back in 2014:
User posted image
And here's a server icon:
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-15 20:45:37 UTC Post #329380
I'll take that into consideration, maybe I'll see what I can do in the weekend.

Meanwhile, screenies!

User posted image

click image to see album

Also, a tower jump from Shepard's tower!
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-16 12:15:00 UTC Post #329386
The Everwood Chronicles: Part 1
Light hits my eyes as I wake up inside this strange land. Around me I see naught but green hills and spruce towers dotting the landscape. As I explore my environment and take in my surroundings, my senses draw me west into the woods past a small pool of surface lava.
There's no telling why I chose to go West, It [i]felt[/i] right; as if I would be rewarded somehow for my adventure into the unknown. I venture towards the setting sun, drawn closer and closer to the horizon; searching for some unknown... thing. The lack of discovery of which pushing me on. The forest is unforgiving, god forbid it allows me to travel in a straight line. Thick patches of fern and dense groups of trees block my forward progress at almost every step. I stop long enough to gather some materials; I would need some supplies to complete my journey. A sharp blade and a hatchet would help me along my path into the unknown.
Half a kilometer I walked cutting my way through the forest - though it seemed like far more - before finally, the dense forest yielded and displayed before me a flowing river winding before a small mountain. The flatlands near the water are fertile; ripe for farming. The plateau atop the mountain, giving a 360 degree view of the land, is a perfect location for a settlement and a lookout tower.
It dawned upon me that the knot in my gut drawing me westward had subsided. In it's place a spark ignited and heat spread throughout my body. "This is it" I thought to myself. "This is where I will call home."
Tree after tree I cut down, stockpiling wood and clearing the land at the base of the mountain. My dwelling is going to need a strong foundation after all. The sun set sooner than I realized and the cold shiver of night crept up quickly. "I'm going to need a better weapon" I thought to myself. I dug down into the earth beneath my lean-to and found a deposit of stone. I had just enough time to fasten a make-shift sword out of a chunk of stone and a spruce branch before the night's beasts were upon me.
One, two, four... six creatures I counted! The slow methodical forward march of the green skinned walkers were barely slowed by my desperate swings. "What strength these creatures possess" I exclaimed as I fruitlessly hacked at my attackers. For what seemed like only a short moment, my focus on the creature in front of me left me blind to my surroundings. A sharp stabbing sensation on my right shoulder brought light into my peripheral vision enough to see that I was completely surrounded by the sickly green walkers. I managed to push myself through the crowd; sacrificing a fair bit of flesh for my freedom. Pain seared across my body as I climbed up the mountain as fast as my feet would carry me; trying desperately to find what shelter I could.
I reached the top of the mountain and was greeted not by safety, but peril... I saw his eyes first, or at least the sunken blackness where his eyes should have been. A total abomination of a creature; a towering structure made entirely of bone - all flesh and organs stripped as if ravaged by a pack of wolves hungry from the winter. When my eyes finally finished scanning and analyzing the creature, I watched his bony fingers nock an arrow into his oak shortbow.I suddenly realized that I was frozen in place out of fear and awe. It was too late to move. It was too late to run.
As the arrow jolted forward from the snap of the skeleton's bowstring, I could only wonder why I was drawn west at all. The arrow drew closer. Why had my sanctuary been desecrated by these vile creatures? What would have happened if I continued forward or even not gone west at all? My thoughts ended abruptly by a searing pain in my right shoulder. The power of the bow knocked me back with the force of falling tree and my weapon - if you could call it that - was wrenched from my hand. Backwards I traveled in air trying to regain my footing when I realized there was no earth beneath my feet, and my body paralleled the flat of the earth. Time slowed to a crawl as I fell. I could only look skyward toward the top of the mountain shrinking before me as the earth's mass pulled me towards the farmland below.
I hit the ground softer than I expected, yet my bag of holding spilled its contents across the grass before me. The mocking glare of the skeleton towering over the plateau ridge was the only thing I could see. My questions and fear slowly subsided, and in their place, a warmth took over me; an easy feeling that everything would be alright. The blackness took over as images of the grinning boned hunter slowly faded into nothing.

I swear I could hear him laughing.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-16 13:13:40 UTC Post #329388
The Other Chronicles: Part 1/8th

I spawned, hit F3, found (0,0), built a house out of the shit around it.

Also, I made a pretty shield.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-16 13:25:49 UTC Post #329390
Gordon Freeman's Chronicles: Part 1/1

Posted 8 years ago2016-03-16 14:28:42 UTC Post #329394
So, a Minecraft server, eh? Can we see TWHL Tower: Minecraft edition on the horizon?
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-17 04:37:01 UTC Post #329403
Actually that could be an interesting large-scale project.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-17 13:17:06 UTC Post #329409
Guess the next TWHL competition could be to see who's the best with command blocks?
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-17 13:43:43 UTC Post #329411
That requires all the contestants to be a server operator in order to place and edit command blocks. Not sure if that's ideal.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-17 13:44:43 UTC Post #329412
I love Redstone contraptions <3
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 18:47:03 UTC Post #329461
I noticed someone made some huge dirt arrows that I assume point towards the spawn area. Who is the author of this?
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 18:56:38 UTC Post #329462
A question about the server: Is PVP on or off? I personally prefer peaceful servers where the main focus is building rather than survival.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 20:54:26 UTC Post #329464
PVP is enabled but there aren't free kill or deathmatch.

I also would like a world set in Creative, but Striker had some issues with Bukkit when he set up the server so I hope he fixed it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 21:00:02 UTC Post #329466
Orange, Right now mobs spawn at night and the server seems to be on hard mode. However if you die, you keep all your stuff - including XP.

Creepers still do a fair bit of damage to the environment though >.<
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 23:28:20 UTC Post #329468
Must...install...Minecraft...oh, and my new rig has tons of power for Optifine and perhaps some shaders. :D
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 01:26:36 UTC Post #329469
Not out for 1.9 though!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 05:32:20 UTC Post #329471
Crap...missed that. Still though, I can run Minecraft a HELL of a lot better now. I'll have to install it in the morning and hop on.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 08:48:05 UTC Post #329472
[EDIT] We're in business! spigot works, and I tested the flying plugin from bukkit which works! ( the particular flying plugin requires that you provide "fuel", I've set that to reeds for now).

So what I want to do next is add store functionality, so everyone can set up a store with their collected items.
I noticed someone made some huge dirt arrows that I assume point towards the spawn area. Who is the author of this?
I did that, in order to not get lost as I explored the terrain.
Orange, Right now mobs spawn at night and the server seems to be on hard mode. However if you die, you keep all your stuff - including XP.
It is actually set on easy. Also the world generator was set on "Standard".

During 9:30 - 11:00 AM Greenwich time, 20/03/2016 the server might be restarted or shut down a couple of times, I'm trying to see if I can get the Spigot running.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 09:27:53 UTC Post #329473
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 09:47:57 UTC Post #329474
@Jessie : Bukkit and CraftBukkit received a MCDA takedown request from Mojang because Bukkit/CraftBukkit is "using the Minecraft server software without explicit permission from Mojang which is a copyrighted material". In other words, instead of using the vanilla Minecraft server JAR file, you would use the CraftBukkit one. Therefore, Bukkit and CraftBukkit are now classified as "dead" since the last stable binaries are for MC 1.8.X and there won't be any updates. It seems Mojang "hired" the devs to "remake" Bukkit/CraftBukkit as part of the official vanilla Minecraft Server software.

Spigot is a "Minecraft server extension mod" with the same goal as Bukkit/Craftbukkit : provide more power to server admins. It is built upon the original Bukkit/CraftBukkit but unlike it's dad, it's not a "replacement" of the original Minecraft server software and don't use a single line of code from it (so no MCDA takedown request from Mojang). In other words, to run a "Spigot powered server", you need the Spigot binary and the standard Minecraft server software. There is an API to create Spigot plugins along with a Bukkit/CraftBukkit plugins compatibility layer allowing you to run not all but a good amount of plugins that were designed for Bukkit/CraftBukkit.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 10:57:56 UTC Post #329475
Alright so I've set up the ChestShop and Vault plugins, and they seem to be working, but I'm very confused as to how they work without an actual economy plugin. That's because I couldn't find an appropriate economy plugin: most of the popular ones are either abandoned or not working for the latest minecraft version. I'm gonna need suggestions with this one.

[EDIT] Go at -142 69 289 and see whether the shop works or not, or if it spits out any message.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 13:32:44 UTC Post #329477
@Striker, I checked the chest and It said I did not have permission to use it. But it came from "[Shop]".

Also, I Setup a sheep farm at -90, 50, 240 for all your wool and carpet needs.
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And that took WAY longer than I'd like to admit.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 17:29:30 UTC Post #329479
Here's the first edition of the resource pack:

Download (67 mb)
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Updated the pack due to an error in the sounds.json file.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 20:55:13 UTC Post #329485
Having some fun with HL1 sounds, thanks to AngryCarrot:


[EDIT] Some screenies from the skies:

Stu's modern house:
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The lake area, near the spawn (Atom's house is here, mine and Shepard's)
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Zach's house
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Current exploration of the map. You can notice that far to the west there's a jungle meeting a desert, lots of goodies must be in that jungle! To the south there are some plains with horses. To the north-east there are some interesting island formations. Not too far from Tet's house also, to the south-west from spawn is a village I think he discovered.
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Tetsu0's home and his road for which I think he put more effort that he wants to admit. Parallel to that runs a water canal for boats which connects the spawn lake with the river near Tet's house.
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Another view of the spawn
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Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 00:53:56 UTC Post #329489
I should have made tinted glass but I keep forgetting about its existence ._.

Who's Zach in the forum? It's a name that doesn't ring a bell.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 01:07:36 UTC Post #329490
I asked him about that earlier. He was a TWHLite about 10 years ago but lost interest soon after joining. He met Striker back then and is one of his good friends to this day.
A touching tale, really.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 03:48:35 UTC Post #329494
If that perspective is locked, then I don't think you could get a picture of my house if you tried.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 05:00:30 UTC Post #329495
Maybe of the roof.

Why do I keep finding PIG spawners in dungeons with empty loot chests? I've found at least two in unexplored areas so I'm pretty sure they haven't been tampered with.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 11:26:02 UTC Post #329497
Not sure. There's a aombie spawner near your place stu, it's just jutting out of the bottom of a mountain. There was only coal, redstone, and two tags (one of which i named my horse with)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 17:47:55 UTC Post #329500
I figured out how to configure the overview mapper and make a crop of the visible area during night time. It's also possible to rotate the view, so now Jessie's home is visible!

Click the image to see the album:
User posted image

[EDIT] How do you get a skeleton horse? (actually somebody asked on a sign this already :)) )
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 20:16:18 UTC Post #329509
Is it me or is that screenshot extremely dark? I can barely distinguish any details.
There's a aombie spawner near your place stu, it's just jutting out of the bottom of a mountain.
Saw it! I have some small adjustments for it planned.

I'm thinking there may be a bug in 1.9 where spawners are generated incomplete or something.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-22 18:21:35 UTC Post #329518
Is it me or is that screenshot extremely dark? I can barely distinguish any details.
It's a nighttime shot.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-22 19:40:26 UTC Post #329519
yeah it's dark but you can see the infrastructure. My roads are the straight lines!

Also, Let me know who wants a connection. I'm working on Stu's and Jessie's right now. I even took special care to not disturb the view from Stu's house by building an underground passageway suitable for a horse and rider.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-23 00:50:50 UTC Post #329521
That was a terrific job.
Is it me or is that screenshot extremely dark? I can barely distinguish any details.
It's a nighttime shot.
Can't tell if sarcastic or not. Of course it is, but some night shots are much clearer.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-27 09:58:19 UTC Post #329569
Shaders Pr0n

So I installed the OptiFine mod, which by itself is quite recommended to have(you can squeeze a bit more FPS on lower-end machines). This is required to run shaders in Minecraft. I then downloaded Sildur's Vibrant Shaders (Medium), and later in the screenshots(later edit: seems like the screenshots were not uploaded in the sequence I took them) I also installed S&K Photorealism resource pack.

The result is pretty damn impressive:

User posted image

Click the image to see the album

This is not for low-end machines, but should work quite well on mainstream modern graphics cards. I've got an nVidia GeForce 650m on my laptop where I tested this, it's from 2012, and got between 20-25 FPS on 1600x900 resolution.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-27 13:15:28 UTC Post #329574
User posted image
User posted image
The Chapel of Freeman is finally complete.
Anyway, nice server!
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-27 16:23:09 UTC Post #329575
Optifine download link is dead, or doesnt work for me
Found a mirror.. gonna grab those shaders for sure..
Ohh yeahh. That's better.
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-28 04:23:04 UTC Post #329579

Hey I know that house.

Today I lost the best bow ever in the stupidest way possible. I had a Power III + Unbreaking + Mending bow kindly gifted by Tetsu0. I was exploring a cave and just around a tight bend I came to be face to face with a creeper. I mashed the keyboard to step back but in the mayhem I managed to select the bow in the hotbar and then press Q. The bow was dropped right in front of the creeper as it was blowing up so the item disappeared completely. Rest in peace, enchanted bow.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-28 06:56:00 UTC Post #329580
I know the feeling. I've lost so much good stuff over the years because of similar happenings. That's why I reassign(ed) drop to B.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-28 12:05:53 UTC Post #329581
I set my drop key to G like counterstrike :)

Just start fishing some more, you'll find another enchant.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-28 15:26:43 UTC Post #329582
Started the building of my Redstone mini-game project. Very hard without Schematica xD
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-29 02:51:00 UTC Post #329583
That is actually a great idea! I'll change the key.

So after losing all my inventory for a second time after I died in the Nether, I must ask: Do you have to enable it separately for the Nether?
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-29 03:08:17 UTC Post #329588
Stu and I found an End portal.
It's not complete yet - we need your help. (11 more eyes at time of writing)
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We setup a little base camp above ground.
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You can take the train from spawn.
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It's over 1K long so you also get the On a Rail achievement for riding it.
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You can get a nice view of my place too.
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Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-29 06:53:58 UTC Post #329589
Good thing the Dragon can be respawned now.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-31 12:41:02 UTC Post #329595
So, 1.9.2 have been released now. Will the server be updated?
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-31 15:33:09 UTC Post #329596
Minecraft 1.9.1

Minecraft 1.9.2

Do you think these versions are worth the effort of updating?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
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