I'm new here.. i honestly got here by a link on the twister tool site and thought it was cool.
I guess this didn't need to be my introduction thread but i stumbled upon the thread where a guy wanted to make an aquarium but source didnt like that.
for some reason when i tried to bump request it i got an error saying that the thread doesn't exist so i just made a new one if anyone is interested in this.
Found this on the wiki:
essentially it's using an animated bump map, better than texturescroll
I checked the vpk's of the sdk base 2013 and both the materials are present by default so it appears that this has been adopted.
A more modern approach would be to use a flowmap instead of the animated texture but that requires more effort
now the fish may mind if it's solid so just tie the whole thing to func_brush and set solid to no
i realize someone may want to be able to swim in it but i'm not aware of any means to make this happen unless its actual water, i'm not sure why func_water_analog wouldn't do the trick right from the start