trigger teleport delay fade text Created 20 years ago2004-05-25 05:34:30 UTC by Dark Tree Dark Tree

Created 20 years ago2004-05-25 05:34:30 UTC by Dark Tree Dark Tree

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 05:34:30 UTC Post #28581
OK. I have a few problems.

1. how do I delay my trigger_teleport. In my trigger_teleports object properties, I have a value of '5' for the 'Delay before trigger' attribute. Now, when I step on this trigger brush, it instantaneosly sends me to my info_teleport_destination. I don't want this, as I also want to trigger two env_fade's (a fade in and a fade out). So I have two flat trigger brushes on top of each other. One is triggering my supposedly "delayed" teleporter, the other is triggering a multimanager for sounds/fades/game_texts. This leads me to my next question.

2. When I move the trigger_ teleport away so that I can test my trigger_multiple, it triggers first a fade out (to white), then it triggers two different texts (which are colored as to see them on the white background) (on different channels), than then a fade back to normal...the problem is...I cannot see my text while it fades, because apparently my fades cover over even my text!. Is there a way to display text over fade? I thought of a workaround already, but this is only if I can get my teleport to be delayed for a few seconds after I trigger it...and that is, when the screen goes completely white, to be teleported to a completely white room that is just a small it will look like I am holding a fade, when it is really just a white room...and here I can display my balck text....also, in this room could be another trigger_teleport that would be delayed and fade me back into ITS destination...but I need to be able to do one or the other...delayed teleportation....or text over fade.....basically, I NEED to have the delayed teleportation.

3. here is my ultimate goal: I need the player to walk over a an invisibe trigger (or triggers) that (in this order):
a. fades to white
b. displays a couple of lines of text in while the screen is going white/completley white
c. teleport to my destination while the screen is completely white
d.fade back to normal in my new location (where I teleported to) :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 05:36:36 UTC Post #28582
whoops...also, as it is fading to white, I want there to be a 3 second sound playing while it fades to white...this should be easy if I can get the rest to work properly...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 06:28:47 UTC Post #28586
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 19:13:48 UTC Post #28693
Thanks Seventh, you saved me the trouble of pimping my own example map. ;)
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