A Horror Idea, Some Screens Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 06:34:02 UTC Post #40944
yeah, i tryed not to tell it so harse.
i dont know if jazhel already send the textures?? ore are you still collecting textures??.

maby captain p can make use some textures when he is back from vacation.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 07:12:03 UTC Post #40954
Yes Rabid, Your av is probably the coolest on the site.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 07:15:12 UTC Post #40956
But he looks like a drunken tramp :/
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 07:20:22 UTC Post #40959
Lol. Don't say that to Auron's face or he shall annihalate you with his sword. :D
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 07:26:26 UTC Post #40961
Oh, and Jahzel, can you please send me those textures from the fog map. They are truly 1337 :D Email is in my profile thing
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 07:43:36 UTC Post #40963
Jahzel, where do you get all your wads?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 09:08:54 UTC Post #40971
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I finally found a site that the download of Wally works.


for all thoughs who suffer the same tourture on never being able to find a download link that isn't broken. plust that site has all the HL updates as well and not just the newer one
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 09:10:33 UTC Post #40972
Well, I make them myself. Sometimes I just search for photos on corbis or google, and just manipulate them to make them seemless etc. Other times, I just make them by scratch using photoshop.

Garg, I just attempted to send you the wad but my poor internet connection means that such a task is impossible. Until that is, I go on broadband. I know, it is a real piss off, for me anyway... :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 10:02:32 UTC Post #40982
ohh and i need some good textures because i can't figure out how to get photoshop images into wally
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 11:57:44 UTC Post #41001
lol M_gargantua - save them as BMP files
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 12:00:41 UTC Post #41002
Garg, dont worry. made you a wad, its about 1.50 megs, only trouble is It took years to get attatched to an email -- cuz I'm still dial-up :(

But, I am updating to broadband probably by the weekend. Hopefully.

As for converting photoshop images to wally -- piece of piss. All you got to do is copy the image you want in wally's browser and you'll see a 'Paste as Texture' option in Edit.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 12:41:41 UTC Post #41020
7|{@|||<5 Jahzel now i shall become a L337 Brush Artists and dominate all maping institution. oh and i got another screeny for you its the out side of the "possible" dropoff building
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 12:47:34 UTC Post #41021
Yeah, looks alright man ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 12:58:41 UTC Post #41026
Looks pretty decent. Maybe add a little more detail to the outside to make it less square?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 13:07:29 UTC Post #41031
i dont like it, its not....destroyed enough. NO lights will burn in the city, only in the places that have a generator. ore is a fire on. most of the buildings will be half demolishd and being close to colapse. let say if you drop a grenade to a floor, it will blow away the floor. i want that sort of the stuff in the levels, no less. almost the whole building need to be able to be destroyed.

this building looks new unused and not really in a abandon city.

and the building is to blocky.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 13:39:41 UTC Post #41044
and we can see the floor from outside!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 14:25:37 UTC Post #41061
jazhel, im sending you the first compile of the shottie. i knwo it has bugs but they will be fixed, give me your comments please:)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 14:26:51 UTC Post #41063
you send me a mail so i can send it to you
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 15:13:11 UTC Post #41084
ministeve its a city there are going to be allyway floors there so you wont see the floors of the accuall building.
pepper if you looked at my buildings entity setup most of it is a func_breakable. im finishing up right now the linking so that if you blow up the major walls of the lower floors the top will come crumbling down. and the reason you get droped on this building is because it isn't as wrecked as the others :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 15:15:32 UTC Post #41085
i still think it looks ugly
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 20:07:32 UTC Post #41130
I downloaded some graffiti pics, and put em on bricks, in a wad -
Heres what I came up with:
Http://members.chello.se/zombieloffe/screens.htm (left side)
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Graffitis: Various sites, found by google searchs.

Brick walls: cstrike team, cs_bdog.wad
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 06:27:36 UTC Post #41245
no, the textures are owned by valve. not by the counterstrike team. so you need to credit valve. not the cs team.

i still hope the quality of the buildings will be higher in the mod itself.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 09:35:53 UTC Post #41285
Well done Zombie, that's basically how I did my graffiti textures ;)

pepper --------------> the_rahzel@yahoo.co.uk

Also one more thing. It doesn't have to be a roof of a building you get dropped off at, it could be, let's say, a large car park area or clear street.... Unless ofcourse a building due to safety reasons ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 10:12:58 UTC Post #41296
a:turned off the lights. b:made another destroyed building and the wall. c: I see some serious problems ahead because i barely have much destruction done and the compile times are already 45min :x .
oh and i had the idea that somewhere in the city there should be a power plant that barely works and that if you find a part you can bring it to the plant and turn the power back on for about 20% of the city. in cluding some of the rail lines. of cource we would have to have it very dangorus and craling with zombies but its an idea. on with PRK
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 10:52:04 UTC Post #41310
Yeah, that sounds like a good Idea. The powerstation could be half-destoyed decayed, and near a swamp-like lake (maybe not but it could be).

That could be how you manage to activate some power in the subways, get on a train -- go quite far but eventually hae to stop due to blockage (maybe)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 11:40:50 UTC Post #41314
User posted image
ive goten the compile times for this down to 30 minutes and i still have about 7 more building s to make but its coming along really good

another idea for a weapon- thermite grenades. thermite is iron oxide and aluminum powder both which could be found in a city with some searching so it would be a good idea. if you were going to model it it would probably look like a pipebomb.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 14:35:54 UTC Post #41341
i want every building in that city liek the one on the back ground, and the sky is not right, it needs to be a sky wiht dark ugly clouds.

and the powerstation idea would not work, remember we are in hl1

and how quik is your computer?? considering the long compile times.

and the grass needs to be half dead, remember the whole city is infested and it has been a target area for mortarshelfs of the army to keep the zombie's under control. watch your mail jazhel, remember there are some bugs in the shotgun but im gonna try to fix them.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 15:44:19 UTC Post #41357
i changes the grass to dirt and abot 99% of the buildings will be like the one in the background. but it would be no fun if all the buildings were just rubble heeps. it be like playing on a flat field.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 16:43:15 UTC Post #41365
how big are those damn curbs?!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 16:48:27 UTC Post #41369
Lol. Don't say that to Auron's face or he shall annihalate you with his sword.
Yes, he will. Although he is kind of a drunkard....
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 16:59:57 UTC Post #41372
yeah well, seen berlin after wwii?? that was a pile of junk. our city shouldnt be far from it so you have tyo watch every step, cuz you might fall in a basement wich is a zombie hol!.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 17:02:56 UTC Post #41373
curbs are 16 x 16 with 1/4 cliped off
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 06:00:08 UTC Post #41508
They look huge, but on closer inspection it's coz they have the same texture as the road or something close, and they sort of blend together. Consider a trim texture on the curb?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 06:43:58 UTC Post #41513
Hey, I wrote some manual-like information in regards to this mod. See what you think. (It's not in the oppropriate order, or anything yet)

[quote]The Upper Hand

Deep beneath the tunnels and passages of Fallen Wing City there lives a collective of ruthless characters known only as the Upper Hand. So secret are they, that no-one had ever believed they had ever existed, even though they were thought to have died during the earlier years of the epidemic. They are highly experienced, secretive, and incredibly dangerous, should you become one of their targets.

Their base consists of a large network of specially selected and defended tunnels, passages, maintenance areas, sewers, basement levels, and other vast areas. Their knowledge of Fallen Wing City makes them a formidable foe. And many contestants claimed to have experienced them throughout the entire city, appearing as if from nowhere and seemingly vanishing into the dark recesses of the underground.

Fallen Wing City

To understand Fallen Wing City, you must understand the true meaning of it?s past. Once an established dwelling for the rich and successful; thrown into chaos by the rise of crime, corruption, and decadence. Once regarded as one of the most sacred areas in the land by the ancients; now just a monument of dissoluteness. It?s endless blocks of run-down shoe-box-like structures once thought to be the very features that heightened its achievement. It?s lifeless roads, once occupied by civilians wanting to reach their work places, homes and family, it?s countless shop?s, littered with the remnants of chaos and looting, it?s power sources diminished, and it?s sense of promise, now just a fragment of the past, as though a bird without a wing, hopeless and without purpose.
The time had begun to make something old fresh and new. Starting out as a military-owned urban training area, the city was showing signs of purpose. That is, until, the military no longer required it?s use, and again it became deserted.  Then, something seemingly impossible had begun. With the outbreak of a highly infectious disease, disastrous consequences were to follow.  A top-secret military experiment had been developed, a potentially hazardous bio-weapon, a flesh-rotting virus.  The virus became unstable, unpredictable, and soon after managed to escape containment, spreading to the outside world.  The virus was infecting numerous civilians, and many of those who died began to awake only to hunt people for flesh.  Eventually, the zombie-like transformations were getting out of control, and in order to prevent it, mercenaries destroyed many of those who had been even slightly infected.  Many of the infected were taken away to places, never to be heard of again.  Soon after these events, a large, heavily guarded concrete perimeter wall was built around the entire city of Fallen Wing, so as to contain the infected, preventing the epidemic from reaching outer-regions. 

Years had passed, and the city with all its new infected inhabitants was still being contained. A new idea was underway. In full public approval, those who had committed serious offences were being sent to Fallen Wing City as part of their death sentences. So successful was this new scheme, that maximum-security prison systems were becoming virtually obsolete. The new system managed to reach television audiences around the world, as a reality-TV documentary aptly named ?Problem-Reaction-Kill? enabled viewers to see the action take place with numerous surveillance cameras. Convicted criminals were being taken in small groups by military transport helicopters to various locations throughout the secured city in an almost ritualistic fashion. Contestants, as they are now called, are blindfolded, handcuffed and released without any prior knowledge of their drop zones. They were left defenceless, and often died very quickly in horrific circumstances. Some of the more hardy criminal contestants even tried to escape, but were quickly hounded down by the military and transported back in the same manner as they arrived. So as to insure that survival was possible, weekly airdropped supplies were sent to random locations without disclosure of their whereabouts. It was simply part of the entertainment that contestants were to find them. The continuous stream of contestants soon lead to increased chaos, and ultimately gave way to warfare amongst rival gangs. Television viewers were granted their wish to see the violent conflicts between rival groups and the infected.

Curbs and stairs : Make them size 8 for realism, you dont half notice the difference. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 08:03:22 UTC Post #41524
me again, any pictures of something from PRK i could use for the site?

btw, nice story, ive put it on the site.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 08:37:28 UTC Post #41529
ministeve, you do mapping to?

and im working on some new models for the mod.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 08:51:20 UTC Post #41530
do i map? well, ive never really used hammer. in fact i dont play half life. what i enjoy most is oragami and telling trees about the joys of hammond organ recitals.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 11:38:15 UTC Post #41582
LOL, well ill give you a great pic this sunday, or sooner. i got about 4 more buildings build today. Im going to finish the block and then clip them into many pieces and skew them all over the ground.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 11:41:52 UTC Post #41585
i was actully hoping for a more artistic shot of something like a hoard of zombies, a man trapped in a circle of zombies or something like that. we dont just want to fill it with ingame screenshots, i was more thinking we could have some photoshop or psp goodness in there too.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 11:42:27 UTC Post #41586
with fire. a sort of red haze covering the pic to add effect.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 12:13:20 UTC Post #41593
...and there better be some kind of huge explosion.

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 13:11:09 UTC Post #41611
Man I think I've messed up my HL with that bloody PakExplorer. I accidently pressed 'Extract All' which has now over-written all my SD models and replacements. That's really pissed me off.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 15:06:55 UTC Post #41638
well in giving you a picture of a street filled with zombies and some nice looking destroyed buildings
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 16:04:36 UTC Post #41650
give me that pic. i was thinking of a pic done purely by drawing and photoshop or psp but ill settle for a hl screenie. just give it a nice effect.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 18:02:13 UTC Post #41695
im working on the hand weapons, so il give you the pictures of that when there finishd.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 08:23:40 UTC Post #41875
User posted image
I have now tested your shotgun model. It appears that it needs to be a lot bigger in order to fit properly in the hand. But apart from that, it is a very well crafted model.

Also, you say hand weapons, what do you have in mind?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 09:23:37 UTC Post #41891
P.s. we need texture artists!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 10:57:19 UTC Post #41923
oh the strain these buildings are a pain to make look like they collapsed with out makeing the polygon count any higher then it already is. were going to need to make this for HL? just for its redering power
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 11:00:31 UTC Post #41925
Jahzel said it already.
The shotgun looks too small.
You should make it bigger.
At least big enough to fill out the hand.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 15:03:52 UTC Post #42003

although if you want, il continue the idea alone for hl1 and with those wo cant switch to hl2.

il be rescaling the model.
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