trigger_changelevel crowbar missing Created 20 years ago2004-07-07 05:59:47 UTC by Dark Tree Dark Tree

Created 20 years ago2004-07-07 05:59:47 UTC by Dark Tree Dark Tree

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 05:59:47 UTC Post #39376
Ok..I know there are multiple forums covering info_landmark and trigger_levelchange issues, but none of them fit what my problem is, thus, the new topic.

My problem is this, I have a few level changes in my latest HLSP map. The problem is, when I do my 'levelchange' to the new bsp, my crowbar no longer works. At least I am not clipped in the ground any more. It is weird...The crowbar shows like normal, but attempting to use it doesn't work.

Here is how the level works thus start...there is a you start without weapons, this is fine...then you switch to the next bsp after awhile....then you go around till you find the crowbar....then, you changelevel BACK to the original bsp...except this time in a different area previously closed off before. When I changelevel back to the original bsp, my crowbar ceases to function.

It is weird, because satchels work pick up a satchel in the 2nd bsp, and then you can use it (in the 2nd bsp anyway)....

Anyone know what this non-functioning crowbar is all about? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 07:00:10 UTC Post #39384
maybe something about the weaponstip? why do you need a weaponstrip at the start of a hlsp map ayway?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 07:45:16 UTC Post #39389
No. it has nothing to do with that....that trigger brush is way away...BUT...I deleted it...and compiled...and tried again...just for safe still didn't work.

I have a weapon strip, by the way, because it is also setup for case you want to jump into the map yourrself and watch your friend die in the SP :-)

so no...deleting the trigger brush did expected...being that it has nothing to do with the trigger level change.... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 07:48:53 UTC Post #39390
Can you post the map into the problems vault.
Does it work when you get weaponstripped and pick up a new crowbar?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 07:53:25 UTC Post #39392
This will be a tough map to examine...because the crowbar is hidden...and it is like a game....Just like in Half Life, you have to go get the crowbar. . .should I post anyway?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 08:05:14 UTC Post #39393
I'm an expert at finding secrets!!!
Just in case I don't find it, I can use cheats.
I think it's easier if you post it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 08:09:42 UTC Post #39394
Here is a link to my problem map. There is a readme included to help you find the crowbar. The level changes should work fine....if you want to comment or criticize the map feel free....but this crowbar thing is bugging me!

Thx a bunch guys ahead of time
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 08:16:55 UTC Post #39395
I'll DL it.
Hopefully i can find the cause for the prob.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 08:29:59 UTC Post #39396
Sorry if it is a bit convoluted...I have a whole 6 page word file explaining the map and the purpose of the game in detail, but didnt feel neccesary to include it in the zip, as it isnt done yet....I just need to add another maze and maybe a final boss then I'll be done.

Well of course then there is all of the polishing, lol :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 08:37:33 UTC Post #39397
Got it. I don't have HL here, so I gotta disconnect now.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 10:56:18 UTC Post #39442
I think I've found the cause.
On the chruch map there are only two landmarks.
Church_land_1 is missing.
It was to play the maps, because the r_speeds were way to high.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 20:27:39 UTC Post #39537
I deleted that trigger brush, as I forgot I didn't need it anymore. But it didn't help my problem. I really appreciate you for trying to help...really...I do...but I think I am going to switch my map around to see if I can fix this problem by adding a trigger teleport and putting the trigger_changelevel somewhere else. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:27:20 UTC Post #39653
What trigger brush?
Have you tried adding the third landmark?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 20:36:22 UTC Post #39821
OK, I do not know exactly what you are talking about...a thrid landmark? I thought I only needed map has changed and I have some new level triggering problems....I have uploaded a new map to my site for download. This time, the bsp's included in the zip or already compiled with normal vis and normal rad. Included as well is the rmf's for each individual map. If you can't find the level triggering brushes, let me know. Here is a direct link to my problem map

My level changes are really screwy.

The first one you come to works fine (triggering you to go from dt_death1.bsp to

dt_deathc.bsp). You can go back and forth between the bsps without a problem.

Then, the next trigger, comes when you exit the church (dt_deathc). It triggers you back to

dt_death1, but in a different place than before. It works...but if you try to go BACK, it

does gives me a notice in the top lefthand side saying: 'CHANGE LEVEL

dt_deathc.bsp' ...but it doesn't switch me.

Now, I am back at dt_death1...and I make my way through the maze and pull different levers

untill I get to my next levelchange which is dt_death1 to dt_death2...I get a similar notice

saying that it is changing levels....but I never actually change...the game doesn't freeze,

it just acts as if there wasn't any trigger brush at all.

I have already checked out Tommy's List of errors and solutions, and did what it asked...I


the info_landmark entity.
can you load your second map through the console?
is your map in the right folder?
did you load the first map through the console?
the map naming conventions.
player starts.
anything else you can think of.

Every single one of those I checked out and the landmarks match perfectly.
The landscape is identical to the one it is switching to (in view at least).
Everything is where it should be.

What am I doing wrong? :zonked:

PS: Oh...and I no longer have a crowbar problem...I dont know what my problem WAS, but I just added some more brushes in my map and moved my trigger_changelevel into another area and I now have an operating crowbar...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 23:17:46 UTC Post #40103
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 00:24:18 UTC Post #40114
That's odd. I have no clue. Have you checked the flags on the changelevel?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 06:08:34 UTC Post #40144
Strange problem... I don't have an answer, but here is what i would do: Start your 1st bsp, bring up the console and type 'developer 2' (without the quotes). Then go through your troublesome changelevel area. After the problem happens, bring up the console again and take a look at the messages there. It may point you to where the error is occurring.
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