advanced compile mode Created 21 years ago2003-09-28 14:35:09 UTC by Black Cat Black Cat

Created 21 years ago2003-09-28 14:35:09 UTC by Black Cat Black Cat

Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 14:35:09 UTC Post #1805
i am creating a map for opfor using the advanced compile mode./ it all goes well until the end where it says ::
  • Could not execute the command:
Copy File +map STARGA~1
  • Windows gave the error message:
"The operation completed successfully."

And then it just sits there and does not compile.

Also on normal mode it works but loads hl instead of opfor and says
map change failed stargate command not found on server.
(stargate command is my map name)

it is driving me nuts please help !!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 23:01:06 UTC Post #1821
Check the setup guides for HalfLife and CS and the Glossary for Map change failed....

The Copy file line in Expert should be: Copy File $path$file.bsp $bspdir$file.bsp ..........NOT Copy File +map???
The +map command is part of the $game_exe line.. which should be the final line in the compile sequence.
The last line in Expert mode is the only one that needs changing when you are doing a mod that hasn't already got an advanced mode. Just copy one of the other expert modes and change the last line:
$game_exe line +map $file -game XXX -dev -console
Where the XXX is Opfor (or whatever it is)

In Normal mode it is loading HalfLife instead of OpFor because you need to add : -game XXX (where XXX is the name of your mod) to the Additional command parameters box at the top....

Arggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is driving me nut's too!!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 02:21:04 UTC Post #1829
No, xxx is the mod's directory. Try it one normal mode with the parameters -game gearbox. Also, the operation completed successfully might be one of those fatal errors like bad surface extents and max_leaf_faces, coplanar planes etc. The help menu has something on your backwards error.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 02:54:08 UTC Post #1833
hmmm ok that kinda helps lets concentrate on norma; mode for a moment. it all works then near the end what looks like and ms-dos procces window briefly flashes and once again it just sits there.

game parametres -dev -console -game gearbox
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 11:36:14 UTC Post #1848
Oh. Well it's all thanks to your backwards error. The hammer help guide has something on that error. Hope the map actually WORKS with opfor...stargate obsessive >:>
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 22:19:01 UTC Post #1873
Sorry Vassy, your right... XXX should have been gearbox in both examples... so the Normal compile additional parameters window should contain: -game gearbox (and -dev -console if required)

"map change failed stargate command not found on server.
(stargate command is my map name)"

It is not a good idea to have a space in a map name. And I might be wrong, but I think there is a maximum character length of 15 for a map name, try to reduce your map name, and get rid of the space.
I know it works now..... but this will save problems later.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 15:16:01 UTC Post #2012
Can anyone explain the dos problem ??.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 16:05:15 UTC Post #2018
You mean the backwards help prob. Yeah: look in the hammer help guide. For some reason, they actually included it. :badass:
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