The glass is visible or invisible Created 19 years ago2004-11-28 15:48:08 UTC by Mercenary Mercenary

Created 19 years ago2004-11-28 15:48:08 UTC by Mercenary Mercenary

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 15:48:08 UTC Post #75258
Hello! I've created some glass ans followed the Glass! tutorial! The problem is that the glas is either visible or it's invisible! When I mean visible I mean that I can't see through it! :( Can some1 help, plz?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 17:38:18 UTC Post #75273
you set it to texture i'm sure, and it's not maxed out right?, cause i think it's 250 is the highest setting, that makes it invisible, and 0 makes it opaque (your version of visible). try a render value of 150
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 19:13:26 UTC Post #75293
I'm pretty sure the tutorial explained these things deeply. I don't really get what you mean when saying either visible or invisible. Is it satying the same or changing as the map goes on?

Try this: If you haven't done it yet turn your glass brush into an entity (select then hit [Ctrl]+T). From the object properties (select then [Ctrl]+[Enter]) open the dropdown menu and select func_breakable. Then from the properties select Render Mode and set it to Texture. Select Render Value and enter some number (80 is perfect for glass) the higher the value, the more solid it'll look like. At zero it is invisible (but still blocks the player and can be broken) and at 255 it's opaque (solid).
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 19:41:53 UTC Post #75301
make it unbreakable glass if you don't want it to smash...which i am sure it says in the tutorial
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-29 15:47:03 UTC Post #75475
thanks :)
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