We are looking for people to write articles on many aspects of HL2 mapping. We are intending to have some of the most detailed tutorials currently available on the internet, and have realised that it is too much work for the four current Staff members.
We are looking for experienced and decent mappers who have the ability to write articles and tutorials to the standard in which we intend to achieve. We have been discussing possible people, and we came to the decision that it would be best to post here, judge the response, and then contact the people who we think fit the description of what we need.
The people we have been discussing are mature, respected, and excellent mappers. I shall keep the names to myself, but if you think of yourself of mature and able to write articles and contribute to the community, please express your interest.
Please post here if you are interested, as we will be considering only people who reply, as you are not contacting us - we are contacting you. Please leave your contact details when posting, for our convenience.
Thank you.