I have listened to yours suggestions and implemented them in new version. List of changes:
1. Misspeled words are now OK. (thanks to Dizzy Devil for that)
2. Level is twice bigger, with much more gameplay, enemies & thrill...
3. Crowbar insted of gun in the beggining.
4. Much more scripted stuff all across the level.
5. Non-stoping-heart-breaking-brain-washing atmosphere...

6. New thrilling ending (last one was terrible)
& much more...
If you have some new suggestions I will be glad to see them. Expecialy if you have some suggestion to the building roofs part. (That part is seems to be little empty... (nothing much is happening...))
And "Gordon-sleepeing" scene is little empty... It can be upgrated greatly. Gimme some info about that.
And one more thing, I will like to thanks to:
All of you, for all help and suggs.
This incredible site for exelent tutorials.
Cradle of Filth for their music.
& VALVE for making HL.