actually, the port was named AFTER the term used by aol h4x0r d00dz. (it was back in the day when it was a LOT easier to DoS people, and even 10 year olds on windows 95 could 'hack' you using various 31337 programs (the normal term is now just 1337, rather than ELITE.) They honestly thought they were the hacking elite and spoke using numbers, and wearing free kevin mitnick t-shirts. A more aggressive strain of n00b, if you will. The CDC (not to be confused with the Centre for Disease prevention and Control :P) actually were hackers, not h4x0rs, but the program was for the very lame, hence the ironic choice of port number. (though even the real hacker types always had a good sniff at ye olde port).
I was discussing the good ol days of back orifice on dalnet the other day. A mate was looking through some guy he infecteds webcam, and he caught him jerking off to porn!!

'His Computer' told him to stop, and scared him to death.
The shitty numbers instead of letters trend is mainly used by kids on mobile phones now.