Cinematics? Created 19 years ago2005-04-29 18:05:05 UTC by The Moderator The Moderator

Created 19 years ago2005-04-29 18:05:05 UTC by The Moderator The Moderator

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 18:05:05 UTC Post #106415
Just wondering if anyone had any experience with movies, skits, or any form of such. I'm have to wait until the end of the school year so I can get my computer. I'm not sure how hard it is to under go with a skit in Half Life 2. Any info on where to start with software or programs. Wanted to do a few model changes and textures but the rest is cameras and model sequences. I've fiddled abit with XSI and GIMP but just needed to know anything else I needed that didn't come with the SDK. Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 19:20:10 UTC Post #106421
It's not too hard, but I haven't experimented a lot with it - Ant's the guy to ask, he's doing some cinematic stuff with Source.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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