Banned???? Created 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:31:52 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Created 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:31:52 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:31:52 UTC Post #119632
Ok so i am talking to RB on the irc channel i change my name from invader505 to TheKiller so people know hoo i am and as soon as i do that i am banned :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:33:22 UTC Post #119633
What? That made no sense.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:35:19 UTC Post #119634
i go onto the irc channel for twhl

i then change my name so people know that i am TheKiller

then suddenly it says i am banned from the server
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:41:07 UTC Post #119637
Haha, owned. Well, there's probably a good reason for it (Or someone snatched an op and banned yer ass.) You might be let in later, if you give me good porn vids.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:44:17 UTC Post #119639
You weren't banned, what're you talking about?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:46:16 UTC Post #119642
i was and still am
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:46:49 UTC Post #119643
#twhl unable to join channel (address is banned)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:51:06 UTC Post #119645
/mode #twhl +b
13:50 -!- 1 - #twhl: ban !*jim* [by Marvin, 3379225 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 2 - #twhl: ban chicken!*@* [by Marvin, 3379227 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 3 - #twhl: ban chicken_man!*@* [by Marvin, 3379229 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 4 - #twhl: ban chicken-mapping!*@ [by Marvin, 3379231 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 5 - #twhl: ban chicken-man!*@* [by Marvin, 3379233 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 6 - #twhl: ban Marvin!*@* [by RabidMonkey`manwhore, 3379240 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 7 - #twhl: ban k*!* [by Seventh-Monkey, 4205566 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 8 - #twhl: ban !*c*m* [by Seventh-Monkey, 6963492 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 9 - #twhl: ban !*k* [by Seventh-Monkey, 9850716 secs ago]
13:50 -!- End of Channel Ban List
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:53:01 UTC Post #119646
All relevant host and ip bans are removed.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 07:22:26 UTC Post #119648
So your saying it was banning everyone :D
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 08:16:56 UTC Post #119652
Not everyone, no.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 10:11:39 UTC Post #119670
so how do we get back on then? (can't at the moment i am kinda on a stupid crap imac a the science centre in glasgow)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 10:13:52 UTC Post #119672
Just reconnect to the channel when you get the chance.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 10:15:22 UTC Post #119673

question why isnt my name on the list of ban's?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 10:22:47 UTC Post #119677
To be honest, I've no idea what happened. None of the ops banned you. All the users on the banlist have been unbanned. It should be OK now.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 16:02:44 UTC Post #119738
There were some Marvinbans from March somewhere. I think they were on your host and not you in particular.
So your saying it was banning everyone
Everyone with that hostname.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 08:48:27 UTC Post #119841
13:50 -!- 7 - #twhl: ban k*!* [by Seventh-Monkey, 4205566 secs ago]
13:50 -!- 9 - #twhl: ban !*k* [by Seventh-Monkey, 9850716 secs ago]
Everybody on NTL with a 'k' in their nickname. They were desperate times.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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