Moddin' Created 19 years ago2005-07-14 16:00:29 UTC by Dr. Mapper Dr. Mapper

Created 19 years ago2005-07-14 16:00:29 UTC by Dr. Mapper Dr. Mapper

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 16:00:29 UTC Post #120845
I have a question that requires detailed infomation for me to understand as a answer. Here it is.

I am making a mod, but I need to know how to set up the moving menu background and set up START GAME things, becuase when I go into my mod, it's just the old background of the City17 centre, where I want something that I made to be there, and, when I click "Play" on the menu, the box with all the chapters shows up, but there are no Chapters there!

I have no idea how to do this. Please could someone explain carefully and fully what I need to do to create a very good menu system for the mod. Thank you
Dr. Mapper
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-14 20:23:55 UTC Post #120912
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 12:42:18 UTC Post #121002
Links don't work
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 12:51:23 UTC Post #121004
they work for me..go to click on tutorials click on coding
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 13:12:56 UTC Post #121005
Work fine for me =|
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 08:27:22 UTC Post #121171
Noooo!! :(

All it does is the screen is white and at the bottom of the screen says "waiting for"
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 11:34:26 UTC Post #121203
well, thats sucks, I learned a bit from them, then I had to figure the rest out on my own, I dont even have stupid viscual C++ :( . Anyways, DR. lemme see.

The moving background, I dont know, I only know how to make a static background, an image. But for the menu stuff. Well, I dont know how to add chapters but I can make it so when you hit play it plays a certain map for ya.
Then you can add more play buttons I guess, im not sure how to add chapters though, makes me mad cause I wanted chapters in my mod.

Alright, go to your mod folder, in source mods, then to the resource folder, then open up game menu.res, I use visual basic 2003, once thats open, youll see something like this:

	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
	"command" "ResumeGame"
	"OnlyInGame" "1"
	"label" "Start New Game"
	"command" "Map warl_d1.bsp"
	"notmulti" "1"
	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame"
	"command" "OpenLoadGameDialog"
	"notmulti" "1"
	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame"
	"command" "OpenSaveGameDialog"
	"notmulti" "1"
	"OnlyInGame" "1"
	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Friends"
	"command" "OpenFriendsDialog"
	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
	"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
	"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
	"command" "Quit"

	"label" "Start New Game"
	"command" "Map warl_d1.bsp"
	"notmulti" "1"
you can change the new game thing, the label is what you want it to be called in the game, I changed mine to "Start New Game". You can make it what you want. The command is what you want it to do, as if you were in the console, so put in "map yourmapname.bsp" save the file, and run the batch file or just open your mod. It should be changed! All those .res files are your key to editting basic things like menu, but I dont know how to edit chapters yet :
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 11:55:46 UTC Post #121210
"label" "Start New Game"
"command" "Map warl_d1.bsp"
"notmulti" "1"

woops, that didnt work right, sorry,

"label" "Start New Game"
"command" "Engine Map warl_d1.bsp"
"notmulti" "1"

that should work
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 12:15:28 UTC Post #121216
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 13:39:23 UTC Post #121242
I found out how to add chapters, but Im still seeign if it works 100% right or not.

and if that doesnt work, ill post you the responce /

Adding pictures/chapter buttons into the New game menu

Maplist.txt goes in the base mod directory.. of course must contain all your maps

cfg/chapter1.cfg just needs to contain your first chapter map.. for example chapter1.cfg has map buildingblocks_final in it

materials/vgui/chapters/ has chapter1.vtf in it..all that is,is a 128x128 save game picture of buildingblocks_final,Im not quiet sure exactly what size this vtf needs to be..but 128 x 128 picture has a bit of white on the it might need to be smaller,wider,etc

Thats about it....I couldnt find anything that relates to the chapter names so..Im not sure almost postive its a .res file though

Anyways..this worked for me

Edit: Jimius says the vtf needs to be 256x128 Very Happy - 10.98 KB <--
6 Time(s)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 06:32:45 UTC Post #121476
Thx, I have got the background map working but not the chapters bit...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 11:22:52 UTC Post #121559
chapters are a bit trickier, what have you got done with them?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 13:18:52 UTC Post #121600
Well, at the moment I stole the picture from GM_construct. When I click it the menu closes and the background changes to the blured image before the game loads up....
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-17 16:23:04 UTC Post #121649
now thats screwed up, ok, it loads the map though?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-18 05:45:06 UTC Post #121774
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-18 10:35:05 UTC Post #121804
alright. Uhh ill write a step by step tut here:

#1: Go into mod directory sourcemods/yourmodname and create a text file, inside the textfile put all the map names you made: example for mine:

Put the .bsp name not the name you want to call it, but leave out .bsp...

#2 Go into the cfg folder, create a .txt doc called chapter1, inside put the map you want to load for chapter 1, ex:

map warl_d1

When saving this change the .txt extention to .cfg

#3 Go into resources, change hl2_english.txt to yourmodname_english.txt and delete all the other wierd languages (saves space and you dont need them). Open this up, change all the hl2_chapter#_title things to yourmodname_chapter#_title.

Then for the chapter number, call them what you want, and it should load the map, and in the chapter screen show the proper name.

To make the picture work, create a .vtf of the pic, the picture has to be 256x128 so take a picture of the lvl, resize it to that, and convert to .vtf. then place the .vtf in: materials/vgui/chapters , call it chapter1.vtf

There ya go, ready to play!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 16:27:40 UTC Post #122123
yay! 7th, give the guy a medal!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 17:16:17 UTC Post #122135
#3 Go into resources, change hl2_english.txt to yourmodname_english.txt and delete all the other wierd languages (saves space and you dont need them). Open this up, change all the hl2_chapter#_title things to yourmodname_chapter#_title.
You need them to localize if you want other languages to play your mod!
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 21:37:43 UTC Post #122159
ha, well, I yeah, if you want other languages to, then just rename them all
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 05:07:26 UTC Post #122638
7th, you can close this thread now, I have got the help I needed, Thanks Guys! Thx alot Snpbond
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