i always use milkshape to compile, saves me creating the qc file.
I tried milkshape (again) and it needed the qc file to compile ...
Your smd files call for a texture named null.bmp, not bleugris.bmp.
the exporter always change the original texture used for this one, and the compilation always fail no matter I edit the smd file or not ...
Except for the wrong texture name, the smd file looks okay.
it keeps on endlessly doing the same empty 0.348 kb file ...
Omg is there still left on earth an only guy or webpage to teach me how to make a freaking cube model ? I don't find anybody on forums to tell me what's wrong with my process, and all my google search lead to that f#ck#ng HL2 that doesn't run on my comp or on old HL1 dead links. I
CANNOT believe it's so complicated to do a f#ck#ng 6 faces basic model !! I need ==>
two <== seconds to do it in 3DSmax, and am actually about
a week now to compile it into a ##### HL1 model

those Valve coders are real nubs seriously : I cannot believe there is no "preset" or "compile helper" or something for non-animated basic models, I just need a grid, two pipes, a barrel and two or three plants, I could be able able to make them within two or three hours in 3DSmax,but won't be able to do them just because those exporters/converters are total shit ...
the mdl file is still the same : please tell me what I am supposed to do with all these files, do you have 5 minutes free time to test these files yourself and tell me what's wrong ? Is there somebody here who already did HL1 models from 3DSmax ? even a ###### cube !!
EDIT : why it's not possible to open smd files in the model viewer by the way ? the reference file is supposed to contains all 3D datas all the same ...