TWHL worldwide Created 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:35:13 UTC by gordonfreeman gordonfreeman

Created 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:35:13 UTC by gordonfreeman gordonfreeman

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:35:13 UTC Post #130917
tell me where are you from, let us see how worldwide is TWHL?
I'm from Hungary
you all?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:36:45 UTC Post #130918
Lithuania.. :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:37:41 UTC Post #130919
Northern Ireland
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:40:26 UTC Post #130920
Wasn't there a thread about this a while ago already?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:40:52 UTC Post #130921
don't know
and there can be new members, too
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:41:54 UTC Post #130922
Northampton = in England
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:45:17 UTC Post #130925
Real name: Matti Per?kyl?
Location: Kuopio, Finland
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:53:45 UTC Post #130926
Representing The Netherlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:57:56 UTC Post #130927
Sweden! :o
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:59:55 UTC Post #130928
Sweden is teh pwnzor :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 11:10:32 UTC Post #130931
Freshed, also Dutch? I hadn't noticed before...

I'm too, and so are Pepper and Muzzleflash...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 11:12:05 UTC Post #130932
Yes, I'm dutch and proud of it.

Tha_crazy is dutch also right? :aggrieved:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 11:29:01 UTC Post #130934
Im the Scottish Representative
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:18:45 UTC Post #130951
Lithuania :>
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:40:00 UTC Post #130956
Guess where i come from
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:50:29 UTC Post #130961
Come to sweden we got Chickenmixah!!
User posted image
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:50:38 UTC Post #130962
South-east England.

This is a rather useful thread for a minor feature to be introduced, actually.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:53:25 UTC Post #130967
lol, here's a warning: Name your maps carefully. :D
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 12:56:06 UTC Post #130969
I'll never forget that map name, it shall follow you forever! Mhahahahaha!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 13:02:06 UTC Post #130971
Shouts = 4.2

I said enough.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 13:12:52 UTC Post #130975
This is a rather useful thread for a minor feature to be introduced, actually.
Teh Gas-chamber?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 14:08:08 UTC Post #131004
Finland - The Land of IRC & Alcoholics
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 14:13:07 UTC Post #131006
I live in Wales.
Wales.&gt;Everywhere else.&gt;Scotland.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 15:18:40 UTC Post #131038
what was that site where you told it the contries you have been to and it makes a map representing that. someone do that for this tread
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 15:27:43 UTC Post #131044
Germany :nuke:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 15:45:10 UTC Post #131046
O. right

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 15:53:30 UTC Post #131048
Coming at ya from the "shitty president" capital of the world, U.S. FUCKING A.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 16:55:46 UTC Post #131062
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:04:32 UTC Post #131063
africa is not a country
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:06:36 UTC Post #131064
Hahaha..good point :P

England sucks!? Aw well...
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:18:59 UTC Post #131070
USA woot!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:26:16 UTC Post #131075
Wasn't there a thread about this a while ago already?
I don't know if there was a thrwad for where your from, I know I made a thread asking your first language, which is probably what you are thinking.
I'm from the good ol' 'Nited States of 'Merica.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:45:12 UTC Post #131088
USA, but my heart is Scottish.

"If it's not Scottish, it's crrrap."
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:57:58 UTC Post #131089
User posted image
(picture taken from an American comic book)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:58:53 UTC Post #131090
User posted image
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 18:15:32 UTC Post #131099
okay...what?I posted that pic as humor! :
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:20:50 UTC Post #131116
you shoulda changed what he was saying to saying something like:

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:22:32 UTC Post #131117
Im from that country that had two retarded people running for president so the incumbent retarded guy ended up getting re-elected.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:26:46 UTC Post #131118
Hunter: That pic roolz! Chavs rool forever!

M_Gargantua: I thought you were frome of Zombieloffe's alter egos? :)

Hrny: I couldn't agree more! That's the best way I've heard it described! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:28:58 UTC Post #131119
LOL! I dont know what that word means but it doesnt sound right
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:30:15 UTC Post #131120
It means the guy who was already in office--before the election.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:33:12 UTC Post #131122
Bill Clinton was once the incumbent president. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 19:37:48 UTC Post #131125
yes. hes sure was... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 21:23:48 UTC Post #131136
M_Gargantua: I thought you were frome of Zombieloffe's alter egos? smile - :)
how did you ever come to that conclusion?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 21:33:12 UTC Post #131138
Not sure, maybe I'm thinking of another Gargantua. Never can tell with everyone changing their AV's constantly... :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 21:35:13 UTC Post #131140
ive only changed my av 3 times, and they all have a garg in them
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 00:10:49 UTC Post #131145
Bulgaria. Phear me!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 00:19:43 UTC Post #131146
The planet Mars. I am a martian. Phear my leet laserbeam~
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 03:08:11 UTC Post #131156
I'm from Australia, home of awesome slang, AC/DC, and outback farmers.

On the subject of idiotic leaders, we're run by a Prime Minister called John Howard, who is a retard and enjoys licking the American's ass so they can 'protect us if we are attacked'. HEY, GUESS WHAT ASSHOLE? IF WE DIDN'T GO TO WAR WITH THE YANKS WE WOULDN'T GET ATTACKED! Fucking idiot.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 03:32:33 UTC Post #131159
South Australia... [B2K] LeFtY
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